Jumpy videos

My kodi playback has 'jumps' every several minutes (like I touched the jump button). Latest Kodi version. It used to work great with older Kodi's (i7, 16GB, built in VGA card for video playback). I couldn't find the problem (I don't think it happens w...

Stop rescan of library

I was changing scraper for Movie library and then accidentally said yes to re-scan the movies in the folder. This was wrong and I stopped the update of the library, but now it keeps starting over scanning all my movies which are already in the library....

Can’t load ADDONS

Am looking for help. I did a clean install of Kodi 17.3 on my Android TV box. The install went well. My problem is I can't install any third party addons. When I try I get a can't connect with repository error message. Any help would be appreciated. Th...

Need new Kodi-Hardware, Question around this Topic

Hi there, sorry, that i can't describe this post precise in the subject. My english is not the best around also .. I'm using Kodi for a long time now, and over the years, i used some client's (RPI1, 2, an ION-PC, Notebook with WinXP/7, AFTV1, AFTV2, ...

Years in album.nfo

Question about how album.nfo files work: What happens if the .nfo file for an album lists a year that is different than the tags in the individual song files? Would Kodi prefer the .nfo value when sorting albums by year? How would smart playlists ba...

Remove unathorized addon

Hi, guys. Where we can report this https://kodi.tv/addon/subtitles/tusubtitulocom This addon was created without our permission. It's using our site, name and logo without authorization. We hope you guys handle this situation and remove from the repo.

Delete file on disk while keep record in TMM

Once I delete the movies on disk and update the database, they will be deleted from TMM also. Since I wannna make TMM be like Calibre: personal movie & TV show manager, all watched, watching and want to watch. I want to delete video files on disk w...

Still Confused about setResolvedUrl, IsPlayable & IsFolder for ListItems

I've seen the posts (here and here) about how setResolvedUrl should be used, but I'm still having issues getting it to work correctly in my plugin. I've read the xbmcplugin module documentation (here - This is an outdated documentation, but couldn't find Krypton version) and for all of my menu items I'm setting `IsFolder` to False and the listitem property `IsPlayable` to true and providing the plugin callback as the url. That bit of code is as follows

list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem(label=label_text)
is_folder = False
url = get_url(resolve=''.join([base, link[8:]]))
xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(_handle, url, list_item, is_folder)

Then, in my routing I pass the link in the `resolve` param to the following procedure

def play_video(link):
    Play a video by the provided path.
    :param path: str
    :return: None
    print 'link is :' + link
    vid = YDStreamExtractor.getVideoInfo(link,quality=1) #quality is 0=SD, 1=720p, 2=1080p and is a maximum
    if vid is not None:
        stream_url = vid.streamURL() #This is what Kodi (XBMC) will play
        print 'stream_url is :' + stream_url
        if stream_url is not None:
            if 'youtube.com' in stream_url:
                print stream_url.split('|')[0].split('=')[1]
                stream_url = 'plugin://plugin.video.youtube/play/?video_id=' + stream_url.split('|')[0].split('=')[1]
            # Create a playable item with a path to play.
            play_item = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=stream_url)
            xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(_handle, True, listitem=play_item)
        xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(_handle, False, listitem=xbmcgui.ListItem())

This is only way I've been able to get the links to play when selected in the directory listing. However, after stopping the video I noticed the following errors/warnings in the debug log

12:10:57.424 T:2384   DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 2 ms for 31 items query: SELECT  files.strFilename, files.playCount,  bookmark.timeInSeconds, bookmark.totalTimeInSeconds FROM files  LEFT JOIN bookmark ON    files.idFile = bookmark.idFile AND bookmark.type = 1  WHERE files.idPath=2
12:10:57.441 T:3408   DEBUG: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
12:10:57.455 T:3436   DEBUG: CSaveFileStateJob::DoWork - Saving file state for video item plugin://plugin.video.Squeee/?resolve=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.funnycatsite.com%2Fvideos%2Fkitten-vs-force-field.htm
12:10:58.974 T:2384   DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProcWindow is active
12:10:58.974 T:2384   DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProc: Focus switched to process C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe
12:10:59.218 T:3436   DEBUG: CThumbExtractor::DoWork - trying to extract thumb from video file plugin://plugin.video.Squeee/?resolve=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailyhaha.com%2F_vids%2Fan-amazingly-well-trained-dog.htm
12:10:59.218 T:3436 WARNING: XFILE::CFileFactory::CreateLoader - unsupported protocol(plugin) in plugin://plugin.video.Squeee/?resolve=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailyhaha.com%2F_vids%2Fan-amazingly-well-trained-dog.htm
12:10:59.218 T:3436   ERROR: InputStream: Error opening, plugin://plugin.video.Squeee/?resolve=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailyhaha.com%2F_vids%2Fan-amazingly-well-trained-dog.htm
12:10:59.230 T:3436   DEBUG: CThumbExtractor::DoWork - trying to extract thumb from video file plugin://plugin.video.Squeee/?resolve=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailyhaha.com%2F_vids%2Ftetherball-left-in-the-forest.htm
12:10:59.231 T:3436 WARNING: XFILE::CFileFactory::CreateLoader - unsupported protocol(plugin) in plugin://plugin.video.Squeee/?resolve=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailyhaha.com%2F_vids%2Ftetherball-left-in-the-forest.htm
12:10:59.231 T:3436   ERROR: InputStream: Error opening, plugin://plugin.video.Squeee/?resolve=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailyhaha.com%2F_vids%2Ftetherball-left-in-the-forest.htm
12:10:59.236 T:3436   DEBUG: CThumbExtractor::DoWork - trying to extract thumb from video file plugin://plugin.video.Squeee/?resolve=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailyhaha.com%2F_vids%2Fjack-russell-goes-crazy-at-competition.htm

I thought that by following the above links instructions in setting the list_items as IsFolder=False & IsPlayable=True that only the link that is selected will be processed, but from the above debug log it appears all of the list items are trying to be evaluated after stopping a video. What am I doing wrong? I'd really appreciate some input as for some reason I still cannot wrap my head around the correct usage of setResolvedUrl.

PVR support for Digital Tuner

From what I've read I don't see any support or work arounds for supporting an ATSC digital tuner within Kodi. Has anyone used a 3rd party PVR with Kodi wanted to get an understanding of the user experience. Seen some support for Android 5.1 but not ...

Error Configurating pvr iptv simple client

Hi everyone!: When i'm trying to configurate my iptv client on kodi krypton it appears this when I click on the TV button. It also doesn't show me the confirmation sign when I finish to configure the iptv client, it's just puts on "enabled" mode Does...

PiGO power supply for Raspberry Pi

Hi there!

Guys, we’ve just launched our project on Indiegogo and I’d like to tell you about it!

PiGO is an uninterruptible power supply to use in cars or in devices with non-stable power. I’m sure you often face trouble with the external power supply disconnections - for example when turning on the ignition in the car. PiGO saves the output voltage and ensures the uninterrupted devices performance. Also, the converter allows reducing input voltage to the required 5V max and 2.5A while using Raspberry or Arduino.
You can connect an external battery to the PiGO module and use it as a powerbank.
As a bonus, PiGO has USB 2.0 ports and works like a power bank and a universal charger for all types of smartphones. It is small (64x56x12 mm), lightweight (75 grams) and really useful!

I hope that I’ve managed to interest you. For more info follow ~ https://goo.gl/IsCTIH

Help with M3U playlist

Hello, is there a way to get around the sequence requirement? This is a normal working M3U; #EXTM3U #EXT-X-VERSION:3 #EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE:2055 #EXTINF:120, segment280715412_02055.ts #EXTINF:120, segment280715412_02056.ts BUT my Video links I have ...

Amazon Fire HD 8 (7th Gen)

Just received my 7th Gen Fire HD 8 in the mail. Per the tech specs, it has a slightly better GPU. Got 17.3 up and running in less than 5 minutes. Mapped my SMB shares and its playing my blu-ray rips very nicely.

Where are the nfo’s now?

Hi, I just noticed that nfo's and episode thumbnails are not being stored in my TV Show folders. Is there a setting for this so both are saved locally to each series like posters, banners and fanart are?. Thanks for any replies, Sam

mkv format with Jarvis 16.1 – Android

Does Kodi 16.1 have any limitation with MKV files? or video file sizes in general? I have a 1.8Gb mkv file that does not display in the Video file list. If I add an avi, mp4 or wmv file to the PC shared folder it displays immediately but if I add a ...