I think I successfully built the DLL, which was copied to the Kodi build tree along with the XML and .po files. There is one error in the build, which I have not yet figured out:
3> Performing gitconfig step: Disabling autocrlf to enable patching for 'hdhomerun'
3> fatal: pathspec '.' did not match any files
3>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V140\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(171,5): error MSB6006: "cmd.exe" exited with code 128.
I get a pop-up message saying the PVR cannot be loaded, and in the debug log I see these entries:
15:27:44.629 T:23564 DEBUG: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::Create - creating PVR add-on instance 'PVR HDHomeRun Client'
15:27:44.629 T:23564 DEBUG: ADDON: Dll Initializing - PVR HDHomeRun Client
15:27:44.629 T:23564 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(C:\Kodi-Build\xbmc\kodi-build\addons\pvr.hdhomerun\pvr.hdhomerun.dll)
15:27:44.631 T:23564 ERROR: Win32DllLoader::Load: Failed to load "C:\Kodi-Build\xbmc\kodi-build\addons\pvr.hdhomerun\pvr.hdhomerun.dll" with error 126: "The specified module could not be found.
Full log is here:
There is nothing in the Windows event log.
Any clues to get me further? Ideas of things to check or try?