Newbie – Metadata help for BD ISO file

Hello Kodi community, I'm new to Kodi and testing (v16.1) to see if i can replace my current PowerDVD setup. I've been able to play my iso files as well as files of other formats and pull down the metadata for movies or individual episode files. Howev...

PVR keep disabling?

Hi all, Apologies if this has been asked before, but I have searched and can't find it. Whenever I turn off the kodi box, the PVR addons are all disabled when I turn it back on again. They all allow me to re-enable them and it's all fine. Until I tu...

[UWA Kodi 17 Beta 6] How do you pull the true addon_data for helper exe?

I am trying to make my Launchbox Launcher script Windows Store friendly but I can't figure out a way to pull the true addon_data folder as the UWA doesn't 'wrap' the autohotkey helper exe properly so that it's knows to launch in the actual folder not with the UWA container virtual one.

The script tries launching C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\userdata\addon_data\script.launchbox.launcher\scripts\L​aunchBoxLauncher-AHK.exe

when the addon_data folder with the exe is actually located in


So when it tries to executes the helper exe in the non-existent folder not the actual folder it obviously fails.

Any help would be appreciated.

Performance Tips

Hey friends and skinners, I would like to find more ways to improve skin performance. Please share whatever you can! Featherence | YouTube

Another Fully Loaded box gets caned in my review

By now I hope we've all read the blog post titled "The Piracy Box Sellers and Youtube Promoters Are Killing Kodi" I did and remembered it when someone sent me a fully loaded box for a review... well, in fact, lighting has struck for a fifth time! Pre...

Installing Kodi on Philips Smart TV

Hello, I would like to have some insights on how i can have Kodi installed into my Philips Smart TV. TV Model: 40PFL9705H (9000 Series). Any idea if this is supported for Kodi? I've explored some of those available youtube videos, but those seem to b...

Store Config in Database

For some reason, I thought I read something about Kodi having an option to store the local configs in the database. Is this possible? Can you store other information than the video library in the database? What about playlists? Thanks!

SDA, SDB, SDC, SDD etc..

Hi, I have HiMedia Q10 Pro and I have a problem. I'm using Kodi (v16.1 Jarvis) on the device. I 've attached 3 external disks to the device (with an internal HDD too). Every time I start the machine and startup Kodi, the letters assigned to these attac...