AAC 5.1 Passthrough (plays in stereo)

First of all, I am sorry if this issue has been discussed/answered before. Searching gives me hundreds of answers and it is impossible to read every single one. I am having a Zidoo x9s and use zdmc based on kodi 16.1. I have the box connected through ...

GetMovieDetails – A little help on how to get this API call to work?


I'm almost certainly missing something basic and when someone clues me in, I'll no doubt smack myself on the forehead.

I wrote a python script many years ago which works with XBMC (prior to the rebrand to Kodi). The script used the GetMovieDetails API call and continued to work after the switch from XBMC to Kodi. At some point this stopped working (I can't recall exactly which version of Kodi) and I never really fixed it was only something I was working on and never completely finished, but figured it was time to. However I'm struggling to do so since the API has changed (again, I'm sure i'm overlooking the obvious, please be kind!).

Originally I used the following code (where movieID is the id of the movie in the SQL database i.e. 51)

xbmc_json_rpc_url = "http://username:password@localhost:8080/jsonrpc"

payload = {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetMovieDetails", "params": {"properties": ["mpaa","tagline"], "movieid": int(movieID)}, "id": "1"}
url_param = urllib.parse.urlencode({'request': json.dumps(payload)})

response = requests.get(xbmc_json_rpc_url + '?' + url_param, headers=headers)

Looking at http://kodi.wiki/view/JSON-RPC_API/v6#Vi...vieDetails, the JSON request body has changed since I last used it, but I can't figure out how to get it working again even in a basic form and was hoping for help.

On this page the schema is
  "params": [
      "$ref": "Library.Id",
      "name": "movieid",
      "required": True
      "$ref": "Video.Fields.Movie",
      "name": "properties"
  "description": "Retrieve details about a specific movie",
  "returns": {
    "properties": {
      "moviedetails": {
        "$ref": "Video.Details.Movie"
    "type": "object"

It also mentioned the parameters are
Library.Id movieid
[ Video.Fields.Movie properties ]

So for example if I wanted to obtain the details for a movie with an ID "51", I thought it would be the case that I need to create the following (where the Library.Id has been substituted for the movieID):

payload = {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetMovieDetails", \
            "params": [\
             "$ref": 51,\
             "name": "movieid",\
             "required": True
             "$ref": "Video.Fields.Movie",\
            "description":"Retrieve the details about a specific movie",\

Using a logger object in python, this produces the json below, which is then used as a request body to http://username:password@localhost:8080/jsonrpc (as shown in the original code).

    "params": [
            "name": "movieid",
            "$ref": 51,
            "required": true
            "name": "properties",
            "$ref": "Video.Fields.Movie"
    "description": "Retrieve the details about a specific movie",
    "returns": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
            "moviedetails": {
                "$ref": "Video.Details.Movie"
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "VideoLibrary.GetMovieDetails"

When I do this, I only seem to get a hang up on the python script. No data or error codes being returned from Kodi or an indication of what's happening.

Could anyone shed any light on this?
Could anyone provide me with a basic GetMovieDetails example in case that helps?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

mix m3u playlist 16 November 2016 {New}

http://ipsatpro.com:8000/get.php?username=00000&password=00001&type=m3u http://ercole.zapto.org:8000/get.php?username=greco&password=greco1&type=m3u http://gameserver1.ddns.net:19001/get.php?username=driton&password=obala&type=m3u http://IPTVFREE1.COM:6969/get.php?username=13&password=www.iptvrestream.net&type=m3u http://ksportiptv.com:1557/get.php?username=drenbox15.&password=XMkbLXQG6E&type=m3u http://ksportiptv.com:1557/get.php?username=mix15&password=iJqewva2VG&type=m3u http://ksportiptv.com:1557/get.php?username=enigma15&password=GEALZUocrU&type=m3u http://ksportiptv.com:1557/get.php?username=sparak15&password=2ipVq2SWgX&type=m3u http://ksportiptv.com:1557/get.php?username=GEANT%2015&password=bygLyGg7UJ&type=m3u  

where is [X] KILL button ???

just tried jarvis version on Win 7. WHY does this monster have to take over my computer ?!? I eventually found some advanced settings, marked to NOT go full screen - but it still does ! and WHY does this - what is supposed to be a 'media player' have t...

Kodi 17 Beta Vnsi client crashes on Server reboot

Hi. When my server reboots or shutdown -> my rasp3 vnsi Client with kodi 17 (7.008) Libreelec crashes. Even if i dont look livetv. Creating Debug log with crash watching Series (not liveTV) Debug Log http://sprunge.us/ZIgG crash 15:04 Vnsiserve...



I have a server component, what provides the m3u. I dont want to send to the user the stream urls, so the m3u is something this:

#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="channel_1" group-title="gt" tvg-logo="logo.png",channel1
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="channel_2" group-title="gt" tvg-logo="logo.png",channel2
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="channel_3" group-title="gt" tvg-logo="logo.png",channel3
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="channel4" group-title="gt" tvg-logo="logo.png",channel4

My getchannel code redirects the get:

PHP Code:
header("Location: " $row["channel_url"]); 

When the channel is a http/https stream, then the redirect working, but the rtmp/rtsp redirects not. How can I redirect the rtmp streams?

Arab French German Turkey Albania m3u8

#EXTINF:-1,AR: MBC 1 http://iptvsale.info:8889/live/taki/taki/511.ts #EXTINF:-1,AR: MBC 2 http://iptvsale.info:8889/live/taki/taki/512.ts #EXTINF:-1,AR: MBC 3 http://iptvsale.info:8889/live/taki/taki/513.ts #EXTINF:-1,AR: MBC 4 http://iptvsale.info:8889/live/taki/taki/514.ts #EXTINF:-1,AR: MBC Drama http://iptvsale.info:8889/live/taki/taki/553.ts #EXTINF:-1,AR: MBC Bollywood http://iptvsale.info:8889/live/taki/taki/554.ts #EXTINF:-1,AR: MBC Action http://iptvsale.info:8889/live/taki/taki/555.ts #EXTINF:-1,AR: MBC Max http://iptvsale.info:8889/live/taki/taki/515.ts #EXTINF:-1,AR: Nile Life http://iptvsale.info:8889/live/taki/taki/1120.ts #EXTINF:-1,AR: Nile Sport http://iptvsale.info:8889/live/taki/taki/1125.ts #EXTINF:-1,AR: Nile Family http://iptvsale.info:8889/live/taki/taki/1124.ts #EXTINF:-1,AR: Nile Drama http://iptvsale.info:8889/live/taki/taki/1121.ts #EXTINF:-1,AR: Nile Comedy http://iptvsale.info:8889/live/taki/taki/1122.ts #EXTINF:-1,AR: Nile Cinema… Read More »

UK USA Netherlands vlc m3u iptv playlist

#EXTINF:-1,SP: Mio Stadium 102 http://iptvsale.info:8889/live/taki/taki/1078.ts #EXTINF:-1,SP: Mio Stadium 103 http://iptvsale.info:8889/live/taki/taki/1079.ts #EXTINF:-1,SP: Mio Stadium 104 http://iptvsale.info:8889/live/taki/taki/1080.ts #EXTINF:-1,SP: Mio Stadium 105 http://iptvsale.info:8889/live/taki/taki/1081.ts #EXTINF:-1,SP: Mio Stadium 106 http://iptvsale.info:8889/live/taki/taki/1082.ts #EXTINF:-1,SP: Mio Stadium 107 http://iptvsale.info:8889/live/taki/taki/1077.ts #EXTINF:-1,UK: Sky Sports 1 HD http://iptvsale.info:8889/live/taki/taki/503.ts #EXTINF:-1,UK: Sky Sports 2 HD http://iptvsale.info:8889/live/taki/taki/504.ts #EXTINF:-1,UK: Sky Sports 3 HD http://iptvsale.info:8889/live/taki/taki/505.ts #EXTINF:-1,UK: Sky Sports 4 HD http://iptvsale.info:8889/live/taki/taki/506.ts #EXTINF:-1,UK:… Read More »