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Free ADULT iptv m3u channels DOWNLOD: up-4ever.com/yxid9tacvrqb
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
Free ADULT iptv m3u channels DOWNLOD: up-4ever.com/yxid9tacvrqb
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Hi I am new to Kodi and new to Raspberry Pi, so please excuse the naivety of this post. I have bought MicroSD chip which features the pre-installed Kodi on the back of a minimalist OpenELEC and LibreELEC OS. All is well and It boots up just fine, HOWE...
Can Someone point me to the .xml file that the pointer.xml is called from....or tell me the .xml in which kodi looks at the pointer.xml on start up?
Hi, after upgrading to Krypton Beta 5 I have a black screen and sound @ mkv files. Older avi files are ok.. Anyone else have this Issue? What can I do? Thanks in advance Berzi
I'm working off of the most recent stable release, and I'm not able to add a data source for either the movies or tv. When I click on the (+) button, the Finder selection window pops up, but the 'Open' button stays grey until I click on my source fold...
First off just a FANTASTIC skin!!!!!! I am stuck adding custom sections to main menu and having the deeper levels work properly. Kodi Jarvis 5.8.7-3.0.6 (from Aeon Nox Silvo page) Aeon Nox Silvo Using "showcase view" (Don't know what to include for i...
#EXTINF:-1,Rai 1 HD http://topiptv.net:5890/live/wGNXBdG71N/v8hIWSr92B/388.ts #EXTINF:-1,Rai 2 HD http://topiptv.net:5890/live/wGNXBdG71N/v8hIWSr92B/389.ts #EXTINF:-1,Rai 3 HD http://topiptv.net:5890/live/wGNXBdG71N/v8hIWSr92B/390.ts #EXTINF:-1,Rai 4 HD http://topiptv.net:5890/live/wGNXBdG71N/v8hIWSr92B/391.ts #EXTINF:-1,Rai 5 HD http://topiptv.net:5890/live/wGNXBdG71N/v8hIWSr92B/392.ts #EXTINF:-1,Italia 1 HD http://topiptv.net:5890/live/wGNXBdG71N/v8hIWSr92B/1579.ts #EXTINF:-1,Rete 4 HD http://topiptv.net:5890/live/wGNXBdG71N/v8hIWSr92B/1581.ts #EXTINF:-1,Canale 5 HD http://topiptv.net:5890/live/wGNXBdG71N/v8hIWSr92B/1580.ts #EXTINF:-1,Rai News http://topiptv.net:5890/live/wGNXBdG71N/v8hIWSr92B/1622.ts #EXTINF:-1,Rai Movie http://topiptv.net:5890/live/wGNXBdG71N/v8hIWSr92B/1310.ts #EXTINF:-1,Rai Scuola http://topiptv.net:5890/live/wGNXBdG71N/v8hIWSr92B/397.ts #EXTINF:-1,Rai Premium http://topiptv.net:5890/live/wGNXBdG71N/v8hIWSr92B/398.ts #EXTINF:-1,RAI STORIA http://topiptv.net:5890/live/wGNXBdG71N/v8hIWSr92B/1625.ts #EXTINF:-1,Rai Gulp http://topiptv.net:5890/live/wGNXBdG71N/v8hIWSr92B/393.ts #EXTINF:-1,La7 http://topiptv.net:5890/live/wGNXBdG71N/v8hIWSr92B/1623.ts #EXTINF:-1,Rai Yoyo http://topiptv.net:5890/live/wGNXBdG71N/v8hIWSr92B/394.ts… Read More »
#EXTINF:-1,RTÉ One http://topiptv.net:5890/live/wGNXBdG71N/v8hIWSr92B/922.ts #EXTINF:-1,RTÉ Two http://topiptv.net:5890/live/wGNXBdG71N/v8hIWSr92B/923.ts #EXTINF:-1,Tlc http://topiptv.net:5890/live/wGNXBdG71N/v8hIWSr92B/1256.ts #EXTINF:-1,BBC News http://topiptv.net:5890/live/wGNXBdG71N/v8hIWSr92B/301.ts #EXTINF:-1,BBC One HD http://topiptv.net:5890/live/wGNXBdG71N/v8hIWSr92B/297.ts #EXTINF:-1,BBC Two HD http://topiptv.net:5890/live/wGNXBdG71N/v8hIWSr92B/298.ts #EXTINF:-1,BBC Three HD http://topiptv.net:5890/live/wGNXBdG71N/v8hIWSr92B/299.ts #EXTINF:-1,BBC Four http://topiptv.net:5890/live/wGNXBdG71N/v8hIWSr92B/300.ts #EXTINF:-1,TG4 http://topiptv.net:5890/live/wGNXBdG71N/v8hIWSr92B/1263.ts #EXTINF:-1,ITV HD http://topiptv.net:5890/live/wGNXBdG71N/v8hIWSr92B/1080.ts #EXTINF:-1,ITV2 HD http://topiptv.net:5890/live/wGNXBdG71N/v8hIWSr92B/1081.ts #EXTINF:-1,ITV3 HD http://topiptv.net:5890/live/wGNXBdG71N/v8hIWSr92B/1082.ts #EXTINF:-1,ITV4 HD http://topiptv.net:5890/live/wGNXBdG71N/v8hIWSr92B/1083.ts #EXTINF:-1,Cbs Reality http://topiptv.net:5890/live/wGNXBdG71N/v8hIWSr92B/1209.ts #EXTINF:-1,Cbs Drama http://topiptv.net:5890/live/wGNXBdG71N/v8hIWSr92B/1210.ts #EXTINF:-1,Cbs Action http://topiptv.net:5890/live/wGNXBdG71N/v8hIWSr92B/1211.ts #EXTINF:-1,London Live http://topiptv.net:5890/live/wGNXBdG71N/v8hIWSr92B/1128.ts #EXTINF:-1,Channel 4 HD… Read More »
Hey guys, new to Kodi here! Was wondering if there's any Add-ons so i can watch live HK tv channels? Thanks!
Hi, This might have been covered before, but i have not been able to find it. Im a pretty recent user of Aeon Nox now version 5.8.2 if i remember right, running on Openelec latest Jarvis release. What i noticed when i installed Aeon nox is that I can...
So I've had this problem quite a few times. I'll be watching a movie closely for it to turn up [For AddOns like Genesis and Exodus, the movie link usually shows up weeks before the files do in "New Movies" or "In Theaters" (these file routes usually do...
I am running an ubuntu server on my old netbook and using Kodi to stream videos from it. I have Kodi on my computer, smartphone, and my Android tv. Everything works flawlessly; I can stream videos from everywhere and it's really nice. But I have a tin...
I received a copyright infringement notice from xfinity. It says a random show I haven't even heard of before and that I downloaded it. It doesn't say anything about all the other shows I've watched though.... which is weird. Could Kodi be downloading ...
Hi Guys,
With changes introduced with Kyrpton I can no longer allow users to change the weather plugins from within the MyWeather screen. Previously I used ActiveWindow(weathersettings) in my sidebar menu to allow the user to enter the weather settings screen and make changes to the current selected addon and its settings, but that is no longer valid. I can still allow the user to change the addons settings with Addon.OpenSettings($INFO[Weather.plugin]), but I can't figure out a way to allow the changing of the actual addon. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can add this back?
Wyrm (AppTV)