So I've got an issue where Kodi seems to be skipping directories when scraping.
It's detected the majority of videos, however when it gets to some directories, it seemingly skips oine but gets the others.
The log that shows an example being skipped is the following. Insidious is skipped, but the other two in the directory are scraped (scraper earlier in this case)
18:31:47 T:65472 DEBUG: XFILE::CWin32SMBDirectory::ConnectAndAuthenticate: Connected to "\\dionysus\Movies" without username and without password
18:31:47 T:65472 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 3 times.
18:31:47 T:65472 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Scanning dir 'smb://dionysus/Movies/Insidious/' as not in the database
18:31:47 T:65472 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir smb://dionysus/Movies/Insidious/
18:31:47 T:65472 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Skipping dir 'smb://dionysus/Movies/Insidious/Insidious - Chapter 2 (2013)/' due to no change
18:31:47 T:65472 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Skipping dir 'smb://dionysus/Movies/Insidious/Insidious - Chapter 3 (2015)/' due to no change
I found the relative entries in the mysql database, but it just looks like they're blank, again, 2nd, and 3rd are fine, 1st is all null.
"idPath" "strPath" "strContent" "strScraper" "strHash" "scanRecursive" "useFolderNames" "strSettings" "noUpdate" "exclude" "dateAdded" "idParentPath"
"222" "smb://dionysus/Movies/Insidious/" \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N "1"
"223" "smb://dionysus/Movies/Insidious/Insidious - Chapter 2 (2013)/" \N \N "33BEFBF3CA6289B252659A2D5CD8FAC6" \N \N \N \N \N \N "222"
"224" "smb://dionysus/Movies/Insidious/Insidious - Chapter 3 (2015)/" \N \N "244F3A85B31B1C2D0C4D619DDBBA7E04" \N \N \N \N \N \N "222"
There are several others in my library where it's just skpping over them with "No (new) information was found". any idea why it's skipping over these?[/code]