Zidoo X9S/X8 ,Audio drops with passthrough?
Hello everyone I have S912 ,so it's big problem for me when I play movie files(with AC3/DTS) and use passthrough. Zidoo X9S/X8 have Audio drops if passthrough is enabled in kodi ? Thanks...
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Hello everyone I have S912 ,so it's big problem for me when I play movie files(with AC3/DTS) and use passthrough. Zidoo X9S/X8 have Audio drops if passthrough is enabled in kodi ? Thanks...
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I just bought a Amazon stick with fully loaded Kodi. I was getting a lot of digitizing. By mistake I "cleared data" instead of "clear cache" I went on line and loaded my own video-add-ons of my favorites. One of the channels I love to watch is Fox n...
Hi I am new to Kodi but am liking it. I am using Artic Zephyr theme but my downfall is the weather view, it only shows me the z7 day forceast. I was wondering if and how I can change it to look like the one on confluence or aeon nox.
Hello any news for a release for tizen ? I am interested for tizen on Samsung tv to play kodi thanks
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Hi; I am a newby here and am looking for some assistance with KODI. I got the system up and running a couple of weeks ago but after a few days the system would not boot up or operate. I get a dark screen with the word xfinity for a few seconds then it ...
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All, Yet another Passthrough problem. I have been using KODI/XMBC for years. I recently upgraded up to the new Beta 5 build. All of my passthrough settings are the same but for some reason Kodi is now decoding my audio signal. I use to see DTS-HD on...
So I've currently got 2 issues with my KODI system: KODI version: 16.1 Architecture: x86_64 (Intel-based) OS: Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS Kernel version: 4.4.0-34-generic I am running a few add-on's and the Aeon Nox skin. Firstly, the KODI application crashe...
I am using Mimic to display photographs and an RSS feed. I want to remove the home menu completely ( I will just used keyboard shortcuts) I am using an Android box. Also is there a way to increase the size of the scrolling RSS feed. Thanks for any h...
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I've got Kodi on my Amazon Firestick, and 4 days ago I could no longer access any UK TV. Can anyone help with this?