Internet Archive Fails

Using Kodi version 16.1 on Ubuntu 16.04. Installation of 'Internet Archive" seems to work fine, but when I try to access it, I get an error. Here is the log: 19:09:01 T:140645505087232 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python ca...

C Cloud 24/7

hey there our C Cloud 24/7 is not working we have tryed updating it and its still ant working so can we have some help on this please. would be great if anyone chould help us on getting this to work for us.

Searching For Actors

In another shin if I did a general search in movies for an actors name, all movies for that actor came up. Now in Titan when I do that same search no actors come up. How do I do a search for all movies for a certain actor.

Waking up Kodi

Im running Kodi 16.1 on a zotac I'm looking for some help with an issue I have been having for some time now. I usually never turn off my zotac I set it to suspend mode and when I choose to use it I just wake it up. The issue is when I wake up the sy...

My Pictures DB and Central MySql Database

I am using My Pictures DB and see that it can be set up to use a Central MySql Database to hopefully feed 3 x OSMC running on Raspeberry Pi(s). Can anyone please explain how? I have a Synollogy NAS using MyPhp and Maria and this runs the database f...

Connection Refused QNAP TS-453a

Hello fellows, First of all sorry about my english. Second, sorry again if i posted my thread in the bad area. So, i am new to all of Kodi and using a NAS. I jsut got a QNAP TS-453a and a raspberry pi 3. I wanted to install kodi on my raspberry to ac...

[WIP] v4

In this thread I'll keep you informed about the progress of the work at I worked at a v3 but when it was nearly finished they released a new smartphone app which uses a new api. The new api makes it possible to integrate very much ...

Force crash log?

Quite often recently I have a problem when switching channels in LiveTV. The picture completely freeze and Kodi doesn't respond to any input from my remote. Since I can't have debug on all the time there is nothing strange in the log. But I can SSH to...

Kodi install

I have an Amiko micro hd se, I am wondering if Kodi can be installed onto it. If anybody knows if it can be done, could they please tell me?

Possible bug in widget

Hi, Great skin - one minor complaint (bug?). System : Libreelec 7.0.2 with Jarvis 16.1. I have managed to get the two widgets for "recently added" movies and tv-series to also display "watched" movies and episodes (by changing a setting in the "ski...