For ‘Kodi’ only, is the shield a waste of money?

Looking at the awesome reviews on the Nvidia Shield and only want it to run kodi to my television. Is it overkill for just kodi use only? I have no intentions to stream games or anything, just want it for Kodi only. My other consideration would be a G...

Select NFS User (OpenELEC)

Hi, Running OpenELEC and using unRAID as my server Not sure how to specify which unRAID user that KODI is using to access NFS network shares. I have two different accounts, one for my lounge and one for the bedroom, but would like the NFS connection...

RAW File Format Problem (CR2)

Hi, according to this, Kodi is supposed to support RAW file formats. I have a Canon 60D. But those files are not displayed properly and do not get a propert thumbnail. I've testet Kodi on Linux, Windows and on Fire TV, they all behave the same. A...

Language titles for Movie

Is it possible to manage different titles language for movie ? I choosed with TheMovieDatabase to keep original titles, sometimes I would need to access the title in my language

Renaming files according to database

Hi, a Feature I would expect is the ability for Kodi to rename the files according to the Movie/Music Database informations The possibiltity to choose the fields (Titles, Year, Resolution, etc...) and renaming the library according to that Kodi is ab...

Where do the moviegenre icons go?

First and foremost - thanks for this wonderful skin. I love it as do all my family members. Very beautiful and easy to navigate. Now my question: I use the Holiday.png icon for my holiday movie category. But it seems every up grade all the files in t...

Thanks but no thanks

Thanks for providing NO HELP WHATSOEVER. Good going, folks. Why does this forum even exist? Keep up the good work...smh...

Recomended nginx config for reverse proxy chorus2

Hi I would like to reverse proxy chorus2 us out via reverse proxy with Nginx I already have several applications working in this manner but my normal configuration for this didn't work for kodi Can anyone share there working nginx config for proxyin...

mix m3u playlist 9 November 2016 {New}  

how to play iptv M3U on kodi

i have a M3U file that i use on android on the IPTV PRO app. i tried to play the file on IPTVSimple client with no luck. with addon support this kind of format ?

Preferred OS for KODI

hi all, i'm thinking of buying Minix new z64 for my home TV. i notice i can buy it with win10 or with android OS. is there a preferred OS or it doesn't matter? thanks in advanced,

Print channel list

hey! Is it possible, after the channel lists is loaded to find the loaded channels in a list somewhere? Want a list with all the number so it's easier to change channel by number instead of scrolling. Thankful for help! //