Were is Recently Added Movie info stored
Kodi 17 Beta 3 Some how a single movie is showing 3 times in recently added widget. How do I correct this? While it is not harming anything, it certainly is annoying. Thanks... Johnny
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
Kodi 17 Beta 3 Some how a single movie is showing 3 times in recently added widget. How do I correct this? While it is not harming anything, it certainly is annoying. Thanks... Johnny
hello everyone I have m3u playlist on Kodi TV, channel shows up when i play it but it stops working after few seconds and go back to channel list. Some help please thanks
I posted A problem on The Help Forum And Was told to resd rules and regs, which i did and then After being asked for a log report. I submitted it.Granted I did something terrible,but still don't Know exactly what it was and I was punted from the forum....
I am using Krypton beta 5 and whenever I try to change the channel on one of my client PCs, NextPVR stop working on my server and I receive the addon not working error message. It works fine after I restart the service on my server. I am using the la...
Free IPTV m3u ADULT channels DOWNLOAD: q.gs/AQZqI
How can i sort individual movie folder into one movie collection folder with bulk-rename tool example: create a Saw Collection folder. time ago some app create automatic the matrix trilogy folder, but dont remember how and what app or addon help me ...
Hi, Just downloaded this and works great - However I want the ability to favourite shows and movies from within the Addon or from going to the Website. The site shows the Watch Later option and has a My List. Also this has the Trakt integration howeve...
B]THIS IS A FREE IPTV MIX CHANNELS M3U DAILY UPDATED[/B] *ADD ( WWW)+ . Before the link below: * adf.ly/1fROLM to download press free...
Hi, Just found an issue when trying to setup a new movie set. I went through the usual option from contect menu to manage movie set, select 'add movie to new set' and entered a set name, but when I go to select it the set does not show up as an option...
Hi guys, when using confluence, and browsing movie library, it will show what type of audio and video is using the movie. It just show the correponding logos below the movie art. You can see an example here: https://i.imgur.com/YdAf1y8.png That feat...
I know this isn't the standard way off using kodi, but anyway;
I'm using kodi on my tablet z, streaming content from my media server and using a shared DB with my htpc.
When outside my home I'm using vpn to access my content and everything works fine on a Nice wifi connection.
But it would be Nice if it's possible to download content to my tablet and use the vpn just for updates to the DB when I'm on a 4g or 3g connection. Is that possible?
Skickat från min SGP321 via Tapatalk
Hello all! Wasn't sure where to put this. I have a desktop with a Phenom II x3 720be, 8 GB of RAM, 5400 AMD discrete GPU, an SSD with openelec on it, and 2 ST3000DM001 one in an external case and one internal that has my movies on it. When I watch m...
http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=287826 I wonder if its doable, I am very sorry for this short sentences but my english is not so good. =(
Anyone know any iptv video addon that has the seattle locals . Im looking cause I want to watch local sports. Kiro and the seattle fox channels .
I have kodi running on my mac and also apple tv 4. Everything works fine but when streaming a movie it stretches the picture to 4:3 rather than it showing in 16:9. This happens in all addons I've tried all the settings menu and looked online for a sol...