Automatic episode .nfo
I'm using a scraper that adds content by the folder name. Does nothing else (fetches no art nor info). Works fine, but for series it only adds the shows as a whole, and not any of the episodes nor seasons inside them, so if I want to actually watch the show, I have manually make an .nfo file for the show (specifying number of seasons), and one for every single episode. The former I can do, but the latter is way too much trouble to go through for all the shows that I have (and the ones that I'm gonna get in the future).
So how could I fix this without changing to an online scrapper? Is there any way to automatically make .nfo file for each episode? Or, is there any way to make one .nfo for all episodes? I don't care about grabbing fanart, plot, or anything like that, even the title can just be the filename title.
This is the scrapper that I'm using, by the way:
<CreateSearchUrl dest="3" clearbuffers="no">
<RegExp dest="3" output="<url>$$7</url>" input="$$7">
<RegExp dest="7" output="\1" input="$$1">
<expression noclean="1" trim="1">(.+)</expression>
<expression noclean="1"></expression>
<GetSearchResults dest="8" clearbuffers="no">
<RegExp dest="8" output="<results sorted="yes">\1</results>" input="$$5">
<RegExp dest="5" output="<entity><title>\1</title><url>$$7</url></entity>" input="$$1">
<expression noclean="1" trim="1"><title>([^"]*)\-\sYahoo Search</expression>
<expression noclean="1"></expression>
<GetDetails dest="3" clearbuffers="no">
<RegExp dest="3" output="<details>\1</details>" input="$$5">
<RegExp dest="5+" output="<title>\1</title>" input="$$1">
<expression noclean="1" trim="1"><title>(.+)\s\-\sYahoo Search Results</title></expression>
<expression noclean="1" trim="1"></expression>
Put that at the top of tvdb.xml if you wanna try it out.