Multiple artist tags not indexing?

I have a Raspberry Pi 2 with OpenElec (Kodi v14.2). I have my music library tagged and everything is working except one thing. When I have multiple artists (on a track) the track/album isn't indexed in the library. (A track with multiple artists) I can...

Update Library function error

Hi I am new to Kodi and installed the Krypton app on my Windows 10 Desktop PC. When I go into Movies and select "Update Library", I get the following error. Can you please help?!AhLHzgyCLlnl1-ZdhsJ0RpC8nTipyg

Unified Remote and Kodi

I'm opening a thread for the joystick emulation feature of Unified Remote. This applies to you if you installed Unified Remote with this option: About a year ago a user reported that things went haywire when Unified Remote is installed. This was du...

Help Picking Hardware

I have been reading these forums for about a week and I am still having problems deciding what hardware to buy. I have read all the stickys but I am still lost and confused.


  • Stream content form my NAS (720p or 1080p with AC3 or AAC audio).
  • Optical out so that I can send audio to my old tuner.
  • Don't care about online streaming(Old Roku I bought on clearance takes care of that)
  • No need for 4k
  • HEVC would be nice but I am totally ok with giving it up until I get a 4k tv in a year or 2
  • Ethernet is preferred because the device will be two feet away from my router.
  • My main goal is that it can play whatever I trow at it.
  • I am totally ok with a DIY solution.

Under $50 would be amazing be i understand I am probably going to need to spend around $100 and am prepared to do so.

Automatic episode .nfo

I'm using a scraper that adds content by the folder name. Does nothing else (fetches no art nor info). Works fine, but for series it only adds the shows as a whole, and not any of the episodes nor seasons inside them, so if I want to actually watch the show, I have manually make an .nfo file for the show (specifying number of seasons), and one for every single episode. The former I can do, but the latter is way too much trouble to go through for all the shows that I have (and the ones that I'm gonna get in the future).

So how could I fix this without changing to an online scrapper? Is there any way to automatically make .nfo file for each episode? Or, is there any way to make one .nfo for all episodes? I don't care about grabbing fanart, plot, or anything like that, even the title can just be the filename title.

This is the scrapper that I'm using, by the way:

<CreateSearchUrl dest="3" clearbuffers="no">
        <RegExp dest="3" output="&lt;url&gt;$$7&lt;/url&gt;" input="$$7">
            <RegExp dest="7" output="\1" input="$$1">
                <expression noclean="1" trim="1">(.+)</expression>
            <expression noclean="1"></expression>
    <GetSearchResults dest="8" clearbuffers="no">
        <RegExp dest="8" output="&lt;results sorted=&quot;yes&quot;&gt;\1&lt;/results&gt;" input="$$5">
            <RegExp dest="5" output="&lt;entity&gt;&lt;title&gt;\1&lt;/title&gt;&lt;url&gt;$$7&lt;/url&gt;&lt;/entity&gt;" input="$$1">
                <expression noclean="1" trim="1">&lt;title&gt;([^"]*)\-\sYahoo Search</expression>
            <expression noclean="1"></expression>
    <GetDetails dest="3" clearbuffers="no">
        <RegExp dest="3" output="&lt;details&gt;\1&lt;/details&gt;" input="$$5">
            <RegExp dest="5+" output="&lt;title&gt;\1&lt;/title&gt;" input="$$1">
                <expression noclean="1" trim="1">&lt;title&gt;(.+)\s\-\sYahoo Search Results&lt;/title&gt;</expression>
            <expression noclean="1" trim="1"></expression>

Put that at the top of tvdb.xml if you wanna try it out.

Beta 5 Addon Failed to Install from zip

I just updated to Kodi v17 beta 5 from alpha 2 on the apple tv 4. I am trying to install the addon for HDHomerun but it fails to install. I then tried installing other addons and every single addon fails to install from zip. Any suggestions Thanks.

Possible to show pvr artwork at folder/group level?

I've been trying to get posters to display in pvr recordings at the parent folder/ group level. Is this possible without skin helper? I've tried skin helper, but it doesn't use the actual images from the pvr. Hopefully there is a workaround? Thanks.

home screen reverts back to default

I have been using MQ6 and love it.I upgraded to Jarvis and put in MQ7 and have a major problem. When I rename a custom menu every time it locks up the menu goes back to default and I loose everything in the menu or sub menu. This doesn't happen often...

SEC Network for NCAA Men’s BBall

Just wondering if there is a way to view SEC Network NCAA Men's basketball games if we don't have cable? We have Time Warner for our internet but use antenna for local channels and an android box/VPN with Kodi. Thanks in advance!

video caching not working

Just now I was trying to playback a recording from my pvr, but unfortunately my internet is quite poor and it didn't work without stuttering. Pausing it temporarily didn't work, so I looked up if it's possible to increase the video cache in Kodi. Afte...