Some posters aren’t generated, but others are?

Like the title says. I'm interested on all posters being generated, the same way the thumbnail is generated (well, it's the same thing on this view, actually). Not interested on getting a scrapper to fetch the posters online. Why does this happen?

Copy files to external HDD via network

Hello My apologies if this has been asked before. I hope this is possible. I currently have a USB external HDD connected to an Android media box. I would like to be able to transfer files to that HDD without connecting it to my computer but rather ...

WHAT ARE YOUR TOP 5 Favourite Plugins for KODI???

WHAT ARE YOUR TOP 5 Favourite Plugins for KODI ...and why would you recomend each plugin? ...what i read so far, many speak about "Supertuga", or "xStream". What else are god Addons or Alternatives to that Plugins? Are there good helpers like for ex...

Deinterlace Method

I am in need of information about the options available in the Kodi 17 (beta 5) Deinterlace Method setting. My sources are mostly 1080p and 720p. The exception being live/local OTA TV via an HD-Homerun in 1080i and 720p. The options are: Deinterlace...

Binary addons for ROM / emulator tools

I've just been reading up on binary addons, and thought I'd throw a general question out there: Any possibility of including additional binary addons for tools that are used for emulators / ROMs? The items I'm thinking of currently: 7zip / rar / other...


I have used KODI/XBMC for several years now and this happens occasionally...... I have a really large music library, correctly put together as far as folder and file structure, art and so forth, once in a great while instead of doing it's normal "spee...

Funnly little issue

Hi - Fairly new to TMM - goot hooked and donated (and have been running happily for some time now...) FYI - i run the nightly builds (i like to test new things....) I have a complete TMM with lots of movies and shows - and everything scrapes as it s...