Infomenu will not dissapear.

Hello fellow Kodi users. My name is Mike and I am a very satsfied Kodi user for about two years now. Since today however I seem to have a problem. I have a info menu on the screen that won't dissapear whatever i do . The keyboardtable on the website...

kodi 17-beta5 cmake erro with libshairplay enabled

Hi, i'm traying to compile new (v17 beta5) kodi but when i enable libshairplay cmake crash Error Quote:-- Found Shairplay: /usr/local/lib/ CMake Error at scripts/linux/Macros.cmake:84 (string): string sub-command REPLACE requires at ...

Keep Apple Menu bar when Kodi is open

Is there away when I open Kodi on my Mac that I can keep the Apple Menu bar still showing? I'm talking about the menu bar with the clock and everything. I would like quick access to the Airplay display so I can switch back and forth from my computer ...