IPTV Spain Channels Links Url File m3u8 Server

#EXTM3U#EXTINF:-1,TVE 1http://,TVE 1 HDhttp://,TVE 2http://,Antena 3http://

Share Libary

HI there, I am quite new in Kodi because I am a former Plex-User. But now I've read about Kodi's new feature "audio-passsthrough" and I've installed Kodi 17 on my Nvidia Shield and it works fine. Videos are located on my NAS But now I also like to us...

Your 7 days trial has Expired

Please note that Your 7 days pro trial period at fetchrss.com has expired.Your account has beed downgraded to Free plan.It means all your feeds will now be delivered with a 24 hours delay. And your RSS mey be deleted after 7 days of inactivity.To preve...

HDHomerun Streams Fine, But Recordings Stutter

HDHomerun tuners let you record an OTA stream via http, so I've been using cron as a rudimentary DVR to save episodes to the micro SD card. My recordings have a stutter that recurs about every minute. The stutter persists whether I play the recording b...

PVR changes for Kodi 18

Hey guys. I didn't want to spam the newly posted thread with changes for v18. What are the thoughts behind removing those 3 PVR guide views?

Multiple EPG grids

hello again i am trying to have a small epg when video is playing and when stopped goes to full screen. have had some success when i done a mod for Aeon MQ6 Look Here this is more a work around. The issue is when you are watching a video and bring u...

IPTV India Playlist 20-19-2016

IPTV India Playlist 20-19-2016 #EXTM3U #EXTINF:-1,TEST 512 #EXTINF:-1,ENTERR-10 #EXTINF:-1,HOUSEFULL ACTION #EXTINF:-1,DD PODHIGAI http:/...