Newbie Chromecast question

Hi everyone, Firstly, thank you for any help with the following issue. I have researched this on Google and not found a solution and I would like to know if one exists. I am trying to cast live TV from Kodi on my tablet to the Chromecast on my TV via...

Kodi V17 – issue with mysql

I have an issue which I can't fix since weeks and I went out of ideas... When I am using a fresh install from Kodi, everything is running smoth (flipping trough the menus, playing media etc.). However, when I am copy my advancedsettings.xml to the user...

Grab and load settings.xml on startup?

Ok, my mother is getting up there in years and is moving into a retirement "resort". She still likes to watch her episodes and Kodi would be perfect for her to stay up to date. However, the navigation is confusing her. I have made an app that daily wil...

Banned IP

Dear all,

as I´m using a VPN (working outside my home country at the moment) to acess the forum, I get always blocked as the IP itself seems to get blocked. My account itself is fine.
Maybe you could check if the IP (and maybe others related to the same network) really have to get blocked in general as it makes the usage of the forum much more complicated for me.
If I can help you providing further information, please let me know.
For the moment, I added an exception to exclude the forum from the VPN. But this is not working on all devices.

Thankss and best regards,

F4mTester installation problem

Hello everyone, i have a big problem with the f4mTester add-on. Overtime i try to install it it says: Installation failed. That's it. Other add ons like youtube or something like that works. I tried several repository's but overtime it's the same erro...

Kodi 16.1 – TMDb does not find the movie but search URL is OK


I'm part of French Kodi users forum and one of our users face a stange bug.

He's trying to scrap "M et le 3ème secret" :

Movie file is well named :

D:\Videos\Films\M et le 3eme secret\M et le 3eme secret.avi

But the scrap get no result during scrap :

11:50:00 T:1480   DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::FindMovie: Searching for 'M et le 3eme secret' using The Movie Database scraper (path: 'C:\Kodi\16.1\portable_data\addons\', content: 'movies', version: '3.9.2')
11:50:00 T:1480   DEBUG: scraper: CreateSearchUrl returned <url>;query=M%20et%20le%203eme%20secret&amp;year=&amp;language=fr</url>
11:50:00 T:1480   DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(0C483B38)
11:50:00 T:1480   DEBUG: CScraperUrl::Get: Using "UTF-8" charset for ""
11:50:00 T:1480   DEBUG: scraper: GetSearchResults returned <results></results>

But when you copy/paste search URL in your browser :

TMDb API return the right movie :

{"page":1,"results":[{"poster_path":"\/dlM4n4UxWPKZfLboaKDga3oOK9j.jpg","adult":false,"overview":"","release_date":"","genre_ids":[99],"id":372394,"original_title":"M et le 3ème secret","original_language":"fr","title":"M & the third secret (2015)","backdrop_path":"\/pzPKu2Gi2pQog3z8aIGuOMUyJ7q.jpg","popularity":1.000007,"vote_count":0,"video":false,"vote_average":0}],"total_results":1,"total_pages":1}

Setup information :

Kodi : Starting Kodi (16.1 Git:20160424-c327c53). Platform: Windows NT x86 32-bit
Scraper : version 3.9.2


Filter/Search only matches beginning of words? Why?

Hi. I have a folder of hundreds of videos defined via SMB to Videos (not as a Library entry) and I like to find certain videos based on (part of its) name. It appears the Sidebar Filter (or Search now at v17beta5) only matches from the beginning of wo...

Windows 10 Store App minimum requirements

Hi I am a happy user of Kodi for years on all of my devices. With my lightweight notebook (Intel graphics, 2 GB RAM) I wanted to try out the new store app. It is not possible to install the app - there is no install button on the Kodi store page. Thi...