Audio clipping/static with WASPI

I've had this problem forever, and it's got me at my wits end. I have done everything I can to narrow it down, including completely different hardware (different motherboard, chipset, cpu, video card [intel HD onboard, AMD 290x, now nVidia 970tgx). If...

Failed to update / Install a dependency

So downloaded Kodi 17 Beta, fresh, noticed a few addons not updated so I clicked update, the majority of them said Failed to Update, and a couple said Failed to Install a Dependency. I then went to try install a skin and got the same issue. I then trie...

How To Change Thumbnails?

Hi, I am using Black Glass Nova 5.5.0 and I am struggling to change the thumbnails and backgrounds of my menu items. When I select 'set thumbnail' or 'set background' the browse for image selection only allows my to choose from installed repos. Is t...

Adult playlist Hot club Dorcel Hustler tv

#EXTINF:-1,XX: Redlight Premium #EXTINF:-1,XX: Pink OTV #EXTINF:-1,XX: Penthouse HD #EXTINF:-1,XX: Passie XX #EXTINF:-1,XX: MvH Hard #EXTINF:-1,XX: Hustler HD #EXTINF:-1,XX: HOT CLUB 1 HD #EXTINF:-1,XX: Hot Club #EXTINF:-1,XX: But Go HD #EXTINF:-1,XX: Adult 4 #EXTINF:-1,XX: Adult 3 #EXTINF:-1,XX: Adult 2 #EXTINF:-1,XX: Adult 1… Read More »

Failed to install add-on from zip file

Hope someone has a solution. I have been trying to install Exodus on Kodi. When i try to install from zip file and select repo.exodus., it says, "failed to install add-on from zip file." The log indicates "installing the add-on from zip file ...

NHL TV on Firestick

Hi.....we have recently bought an Amazon Firestick and have installed Kodi onto it without any problems. However, I'm really struggling to install nhl tv add-on. Any help VERY much appreciated! As I can't connect the Firestick to my computer I'm stru...

PVR simple client not working properly (.ts)

I have a raspberry pi 3 with latest OSMC (clean install 0 addons). I have mpeg2 license. I just put my m3u list into my PVR simple client, and channels take lots of time to open (almost 15 seconds each switch/play). this is the log: