FPS Rate, PS Vue, and Devices

Okay, so I cancelled DirectTV after 10 years and went with Vue. I'm loving it, but do notice some stuttering during live sports. I'm assuming this is because of the FPS rate on my PS3. Are there any devices where this is not an issue with Vue?

Toggling watched, issues

Toggling watched status works, but when hitting W on any episode of anything in my library, all the thumbnails flash quickly and the highlighted object doesn't advance to the next one like it should. Happens in both Estuary and Confluence. Tried a comp...

how t keep the settings stay

i have been using kodi for a few days and i had tons of issues so i just reset it to factory, then i went and made some settings snd i took out the pictures snd the music etc. i kept the video and program and settings but then the next time i start kod...

Update / Clean database

When an update is run and an external source is not present, the cleanup process removes all the entities from that source. My proposal is similar to how Kodi handles this. In Kodi when you run Clean Database and it finds that an entire source is missi...

IPTV Turkey Playlist 14-10-2016

IPTV Turkey Playlist 14-10-2016 #EXTM3U #EXTINF:0,KANAL D http://live.netd.com.tr/S1/HLS_LIVE/kanald/index.m3u8 #EXTINF:0,TV 2 http://media.netd.com.tr/S2/HLS_LIVE/tv2/playlist.m3u8 #EXTINF:0,CNN TüRK http://live.netd.com.tr/S1/HLS_LIVE/cnn_turk/index.m3u8 #EXTINF:0,DREAM TV http://live.netd.com.tr/S1/HLS_LIVE/dreamtv/index.m3u8 #EXTINF:-1,KANALD HD #EXTINF:-1,KANALD HD SECENEK 2 #EXTINF:0,DREAM TüRK http://live.netd.com.tr/S1/HLS_LIVE/dreamturktv/index.m3u8 #EXTINF:0,KANAL 7 http://livetr.gostream.nl/kanal7hq/kanal7hq/master.m3u8 #EXTINF:0,ÜLKE TV http://livetr.gostream.nl/ulketvhq/ulketvhq/master.m3u8 #EXTINF:0,SEMERKAND http://semerkandglb.mediatriple.net:1935/semerkandliveedge/semerkand1/master.m3u8 #EXTINF:0,BLOOMBERG HT http://mn-i.mncdn.com:1935/bloomberght_ios/smil:bloomberght.smil/master.m3u8 #EXTINF:0,TV 4 http://mn-l.mncdn.com:1935/r_karamel/karamel/master.m3u8 #EXTINF:0,SHOW TüRK http://mn-l.mncdn.com:1935/showturktv/showturktv1/master.m3u8 #EXTINF:0,SHOW MAX http://mn-l.mncdn.com:1935/showmax/showmax2/master.m3u8 #EXTINF:0,NRT2 http://nrttv.iptv-playoutcenter.de:1935/nrt2/nrt2.stream_1/master.m3u8 #EXTINF:0,TRT 1 HD http://trtcanlitv-lh.akamaihd.net/i/TRT1HD_1@181842/master.m3u8 #EXTINF:0,TRT HABER HD http://trtcanlitv-lh.akamaihd.net/i/TRTHABERHD_1@181942/master.m3u8 #EXTINF:0,TRT OKUL

(RSS generated with FetchRss)

I really like Kodi, But…

I like Kodi, I really do. I just hate the fact that there are only two categories for things to fall into. Ignoring Music Videos, everything is either Movie or TV. That is it, just those two categories. My library is nicely divided into Movies in th...