Visualization, artist slideshow question

Hello, I'm trying to get an addon to work similar to artist slideshow. A few questions about visualization or something to do with slideshows while playing music. What are the reasons why script.artistslideshow is not installed as a visualization. ...

Reload Python Add On

Hi, I had loaded Kodi 17 but ended up rolling it back, now I can't load the MQ7 skin as it depends on the correct version of Python. Can anyone help?

LIRC – how to select another remote control

i understand LIRC filters which remote control is being passed on to Kodi. How to tell to the LIRC that I want to use a praticular remote control and to ignore anything else? I am using Raspberry and LibreElec. I want to use a Remote A in one device an...

Live tv setup

I recently purchased a new mxq tv box and can't figure out how to put PVR or backend files or get my client list to come up so i can watch live TV. Please help as I am a noob to Kodi. Thank you very much in advance.

Increased CPU load while running a custom screensaver

I've written a simple Python screensaver for H3-based boards (using it on a NanoPI M1 with OpenElec and Kodi 16.1) to disable the video while idle, allowing the attached monitor to power down. It works perfectly except that the CPU load as seen with 't...

ReplaceWindow() in Python code

In Advanced Emulator Launcher, when moving launchers around it may happen that a category gets empty. In such case, I want to use ReplaceWindow() to change the current ListItem window by the addon Root, since the current window, when rendered again, is...

Kodi 17 krypton log

Hi I'm having problems with Kodi's log , since i upgrade to version 17 does not show me the detailed log, even when you activate the option to debug, I've tried all the variants within options debug, and also within the options addon but only shows me ...

Info button: Kodi vs. PTVL

When i press the I key while in PTVL, it briefly flashes the Kodi player controls before showing the Info screen associated with the PTVL skin. I've tried this with a few PTVL skins in the repository so it doesn't seem to be skin specific. I've trie...

Science Fiction missing from “Mixed” Channel

Very minor thing: I've noticed that after a recent update it's no longer possible to select Science Fiction when creating a Mixed channel (movies and tv from local content). I had a Science Fiction channel and lately realized it's been playing Action ...

Disable Next Aired info on EPG?

Is it possible to disable the info on the EPG that comes in from Next Aired? The upcoming show images at the top, the RSS feed, and the stream at the bottom? I use PTVL for local content only, and i find the info about items not in my library to be d...