Double artists name when scan a music directory
In the music when I "Scan Item to Library" for the path below I find it two time in the artist name reference.
On the filesystem I have the directory "/contents/Musica/Compilations" with the "extrafanart" directory and the file "artist.nfo":
On the directory "/contents/Musica/Compilations/Il padrone della festa" there are the MP3 files and "album.nfo" file:
<title>Il padrone della festa</title>
<artist>Fabi Silvestri Gazzè</artist>
The file MP3 have this tag:
but after "Scan Item to Library" on directory "/contents/Musica/Compilations":
on the "Music Artits" I find double "Compilations" name.
First one object have nfo info, fanart and folder image:
The second one have only directory name:
Is there a reason for strange behaviur?
Can I remove the "Artist Music" without nfo info, fanart and folder entry?