IPTV Italia 09.10.2016

#EXTINF:-1,-----ITALI-----,IT: Rai 1 HDhttp://,IT: RAI 2 HDhttp://,IT: RAI 3...

Remapping keys: keymap.xml vs. gen.xml

I'm running Kodi v16 / OpenElec on a Raspberry Pi 3 using a VRC-1100 remote, and I'm trying to disable the power button on my remote by remapping it to a NOOP as per Michiel van Baak's instructions. Michiel advises to include the following code in /sto...

Uninstalled Kodi

I Goofed Up, newbi, I uninstalled Kodi completely from my Mbox (S905) now I need to reinstall it from scratch and can not find any info on how to do it. Would appreciate some help on how to do it or where to find instructions. Thanks in advance

Kodi 17: Confusing PVR messages

I am running Kodi 17 beta3 on a test machine, with DVBlink 5.5.0 as back end. When something changes in the list of timers, I believe that the wrong title is displayed in the message displayed on the screen. For example: I have two items in the timer...

Context Menu doesn’t work correctly ???

Hi there. We have a TV Box with Kodi 16 on it. The box works perfectly fine and Kodi works perfectly fine ... almost. We have an external disk on which we have some movie archives and old TV series stored. Those archives are connected to a computer wit...

Alternative to Notepad++

I've just moved from Windows to Ubuntu. I tried to use Notepad++ through Wine and although it does work it doesn't seem ideal and I'm struggling to add the xml plugin. I've tried a couple of editors in Ubuntu but before spending a load of time evaluati...

Kodi crash

Hi! My Kodi on Debian Jessie with pvr.vdr.vnsi crashes every few hours, even when idle. Can anybody help me to analyze the crashlog? https://nopaste.me/view/feee5dbe

override embedded ssa/ass subtitle

hello, the override ssa/ass option is not working in kod 17, the font size is too big and i cant seem able to change it. is this only me? or do i need to do something special for it to work? thanks

Windows Store typo

Should be party? Mr anal strikes again ... Disclaimer: - Kodi does not supply or include any media or content. - Users must provide their own content or install one of the third party plug-ins - Kodi has no affiliation with any third-part plug-in ...