External Player / Path Substitution / Shared Machine Issue.

This question/post was originally part of another thread I had started, but being buried underneath SOLVED thread, I wasn't getting replies & therefore am posting this issue separately/independently.

The original Thread/Post can be found [here].

I use an external player, PowerDVD, to play all my ISO's (Only the ISO's). I'm using a wonderful & efficient script written by brazen1 to do so, and the whole system works really well on my primary/server machine.

I ran into a problem with the "Client" machine. I setup everything just the same as the "Server" machine, including the external player/PowerDVD script - I've got a PATH problem which essentially stems from PATH SUBSTITUTION written in "advancesettings.xml" not being used by "playercorefactory,xml" which mounts & plays ISO's in an external player.

The path substitutions I have in "advancesettings.xml" work perfectly fine for any media that's played by the Internal Player, however, since "advancesettings.xml" affects KODI, not "playercorefactory.xml", it's not working for ISO's.

When I play an ISO, the script basically MOUNTS the ISO on the VirtualCloneDrive virtual drive (In this case, D drive), then launches PowerDVD and PowerDVD begins playback.

However, on the "Client", while all of the above still happens -- the only thing that doesn't happen is that the ISO doesn't mount because the Script doesn't have any Path Substitution capabilities - so when it sees "H:\Movies\Beetlejuice.ISO", it literally attempts to mount "H:\Movies\Beetlejuice.ISO", even though there is no "H:\Movies" on the "Client" machine.

All my ISO's are in "H:\Movies" on the "Server" machine.
In my advancesettings.xml, I have the Path Substitution setup as:


This works perfectly fine within KODI.

However, I use the following 2 scripts (by brazen1) to MOUNT the ISO & launch PowerDVD:

     <player name="PowerDVD" type="ExternalPlayer" audio="false" video="true">
     <rules action="prepend">
       <rule filetypes="iso|bdmv|mpls" player="PowerDVD"/>

Set file=%1
Set dummy=%file:iso=%
IF NOT %dummy% == %file% (GOTO playiso) ELSE (goto next)

Set file=%1
Set dummy=%file:mpls=%
IF NOT %dummy% == %file% (GOTO plaympls) ELSE (goto playbdmv)

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Elaborate Bytes\VirtualCloneDrive\VCDMount.exe" /d=0 %1
"C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink\PowerDVD16\PowerDVD.exe" D:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Elaborate Bytes\VirtualCloneDrive\VCDMount.exe" /d=0 /u
GOTO end

set pth=%1
set pth=%pth:~1,-25%
"C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink\PowerDVD16\PowerDVD.exe" "%pth%" exit
GOTO end

set pth=%1
set pth=%pth:BDMV\MovieObject.bdmv=%
set pth=%pth:BDMV\index.bdmv=%
"C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink\PowerDVD16\PowerDVD.exe" %pth% exit
GOTO end


While KODI knows that
is really supposed to be
because of the Path Substitution in "advancesettings.xml", the "playcorefactory.xml" and subsequently the "PlayISO.bat" does not!
It is literally looking to mount
instead of trying to mount smb://l3viathan@MEDIASTRASSE/BD5/Movies/Beetlejuice.ISO
and so I get an error
Could not mount H:\Movies\Beetlejuice.ISO.

The real issue stems from the fact that "advancesettings.xml" and "playercorefactory.xml" are independent of each other and are basically not talking to each other, therefore path substitutions written in "advancesettings.xml" are not read by "playercorefactory.xml".

Not sure how to resolve this issue. Looking for advice.


Thank you!

http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=293113 ^^^^^^ This is what I'm talking about! Thank you for making this sticky and the title of it! Should be click-baitable enough for the uninformed! Hopefully this cuts down on the stupid questions. *EDIT...

Control Tag Attribute List

Does anyone know f there is any documentation on the available attributes for Tags?

In the bellow example you can see there are 3 attributes for texture but there appears no documentation for what all available attributes are. My main goal is to find out if there is an attribute to disable cache via xml for a specific texture, but a list of options would be great

PHP Code:
<control type="image" id="1">
description>My first image control</description>
texture border="5" flipy="true" flipx="false">mytexture.png</texture>
bordertexture border="5">mybordertexture.png</bordertexture>

2018 FIFA WCQ: Belgium-Bosnia and Herzegovina

Channel 1 English acestream://27c77223c6c03cb20b92414c42c48e1bcb266b68 Channel 2 English acestream://416005a60f4f62ff5a0b5643f825d938698999d3 Channel 2 English opt2 acestream://7d760849284c75f23cf5735d49fc3ecf732529e6 Channel 2 Spain acestream://9e79262bdaf1c4909fabda9a6ca7b58c547b917b Channel 2 Spain opt2 acestream://37e65577d579e18f3537207e188083cb95a42d90 Setanta Sports + HD (ru/en) acestream://a3d6475c17fc2c7789cc45f802a9018764f0352c Матч! Футбол 2 HD / Match Futbol 2 HD Russia acestream://7744ad7a39a5f7691009334b5e4e6c255127bf5c Матч! Футбол 3 SD / Match Futbol 3 SD Russia acestream://705ffc48f796bb9c50493d31af618ffbe1c2df73 Idman TV Azerbaijan acestream://a8b3d1274a1974a4ae803dd2f1d2c430d4792faf