X96 Smart TV Box no sound

I have recently purchased an X96 Smart TV Box, I'm not sure if it is something tha I have inadvertently done but I now have a red circled speaker in the top right hand box which I can't get rid off which means I have no sound. Can anyone help?

Last played time stamp incorrect

Hi, I recognized a strange issue with my last played time stamp for movies and tvshows. I'm using LibreELEC v7.0.2 with Kodi 16.1. The system time and date is shown 100% correct. So I'm using MediaElch to manage my nfo files locally. MediaElch has a...

Customize Xperience

I want to change somethings on Xperience1080 :

1-Remove 'Standard Mode' and 'Standard Skin' , and replace them whit 'Classic Mode' and 'Flat Skin' by default.

2-Remove 'Weather Menu' with all components.

3-Rename 'Application Menu' to 'Games , and move it and HomeScreen before Movies and after Home:

4-Change default blocks on Movies,TVShows,Music , from this :

▀ ██ ▀
▀ ▀▀ ▀

to this :

▀ ███ █
▀ ▀▀▀ ▀

5-Change new 'Game Menu' blocks looklike other , and connect it to 'Custom Launcher' add ons , to show some recently used games and most played games.

i know basic programming rules , PLEASE HELP.

IPTV Moldova and Romania Playlist 10-10-2016

IPTV Moldova and Romania Playlist 10-10-2016 #EXTM3U #EXTINF:-1,Moldova 1 #EXTINF:-1,Jurnal TV #EXTINF:-1,PRO TV #EXTINF:-1,TVR

IPTV VLC M3U Playlist 10-10-2016

IPTV VLC M3U Playlist 10-10-2016 http://hdliveiptv.mazian.info:7879/get.php?username=samithest&password=exchsamithest&type=m3u http://dmtn-iptv.com:8080/get.php?username=kristjan&password=kristjan&type=m3u http://s0.balkan-x.net/playlist.m3u?type=m3u&deviceUser=test_sulatnovic-1&devicePass=1testsultanovic150

(RSS generated with FetchRss)

IPTV playlist 10-10-2016

IPTV playlist 10-10-2016 #EXTM3U #EXTINF:-1,Eurosport 2 #EXTINF:-1,C More Hockey #EXTINF:-1,CNN #EXTINF:-1,Nick J...


Hello, I've noticed a small error in the Portuguese translation. On the Tvheadend PVR client addon the "play" button in the channel detail should be "tocar" instead of "trocar". I don't know if this if the appropriate place to report this kind of err...

problem installing AZFA

hi guys, i'm trying to install AZFA on jarvis through the emby beta repo but it's coming up as incompatible? i have script duration installed and was actually running an older version of AZ:FA but uninstalled it. Any ideas why its not working now? than...

Current Skin Helper Script prevents Kodi shutdown

Hi I have the problem that current skin helper scripts prevent Kodi from proper shutdown/exit - it just is unresponsive and if I wait like an hour or so it finally quits, but it really takes long :-) I have tried skin helper stable and beta - .100 an...

Transifex and txtranslation updates for skins?

I have added TXTranslations as a collaborator and until somewhat recently (July 25th) everything has just been perfect but I didn't realize that it has been awhile before any updates or changes were synced back to Transifex or updated within the skin. ...

How can I shuffle play a series without Add-Ons?

For the record, I used to have this enabled with no Add-Ons but now it doesn't seem to work and I can't find where I learned how to enable this. What I used to be able to do was 'right click' on one of my many TV Series from the Series screen and clic...

Custom Menus – is this still best practice?

Hi I would like to add a custom menu item to my skin, linked to a directory. I've changed from confluence to amber based on a recommendation I saw in a forum for this purpose. (Apparently this function can be hacked into confluence, but if you want t...

How to put addon icon in home section

Good evening, i just installed aeon mq 6 and i'm trying to configure it.
Now i would like to put specific add-on icon in the home menù like in the linked Picture.

[Image: Screen-Shot-2015-05-05-at-10.59.04-PM.jpg]

How can i do it?
