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Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
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#EXTM3U #EXTINF:-1,BeinSports1.SD #EXTINF:-1,BeinSports2.SD #EXTINF:-1,BeinSports3.SD
#EXTM3U #EXTINF:-1,Arabic: Abu Dhabi #EXTINF:-1,Arabic: Abu Dhabi DRAMA #EXTINF:-1,Arabic: Abu Dhabi AL EMARAT
I have looked and searched but I cannot figure out how to edit an already existing xmltv file. Any help would be great!
So I have a soundtrack album that I ripped. The metadata source (I think it was G3) tagged it with Artist: Various Artists Album Artist: Various Artists I don't have any MBIDs on it. So in the database, it has for artist table: 1 strArtist [Missin...
Already spent days to get this working: I got a local PVR to record Movies and TV shows. For recorded movie files I was already successful scraping them with the information my PVR gives me by calling its XML-API - with the TV shows I still fail and I now hope somebody can help me.
I thought the task would be simple: Just make a HTTP-Call to the PVR API, get the TVDB-ID there for the file to be scraped, and then go on with the regular TVDB-scraper using this ID. So mainly just modifying the functions "CreateSearchUrl" or maybe also "GetSearchResults".
Yet the main problem I have is calling a function in the right way to do this TVDB-ID lookup. I tried many ways - two of them are shown below.
What I was still not able to figure out is how to call a function in the right way. My main questions are:
<CreateSearchUrl dest="3">
<RegExp input="$$1" output="<chain function="GetTVDBIdFromEpisode">\1</chain>" dest="5">
<expression >(?:%20| |_)([]0-9]+)(?:\.ts|$)</expression>
<RegExp input="$$5" output="<url>\1&language=$INFO[language]</url>" dest="3">
<expression noclean="1" />
<GetTVDBIdFromEpisode dest="3">
<RegExp input="$$4" output="<details>\1</details>" dest="3">
<RegExp input="$$1" output="<url function="ParseTVDBIdFromEpisode">\1</url>" dest="4">
<expression />
<expression noclean="1" />
<ParseTVDBIdFromEpisode dest="5">
<RegExp input="$$1" output="<details>\1</details>" dest="5">
23:15:30 T:1826356112 DEBUG: std::vector<CScraperUrl> ADDON::CScraper::FindMovie(XFILE::CCurlFile&, const string&, bool): Searching for '20160830 rtl Bones - Die Knochenjaegerin 2026' using IPTV PVR TV Series Scraper scraper (path: '/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/metadata.iptvpvr.tvdb', content: 'tvshows', version: '1.0.0')
23:15:30 T:1826356112 DEBUG: scraper: CreateSearchUrl returned <url><chain function="GetTVDBIdFromEpisode">2026</chain>&language=de</url>
23:15:30 T:1826356112 DEBUG: scraper: GetTVDBIdFromEpisode returned <details><url function="ParseTVDBIdFromEpisode"></url></details>
23:15:30 T:1826356112 DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(0x6e1624b0)
23:15:30 T:1826356112 INFO: void XCURL::DllLibCurlGlobal::easy_aquire(const char*, const char*, XCURL::CURL_HANDLE**, XCURL::CURLM**) - Created session to
23:15:30 T:1826356112 DEBUG: static bool CScraperUrl::Get(const CScraperUrl::SUrlEntry&, std::string&, XFILE::CCurlFile&, const string&): Using "UTF-8" charset for XML ""
23:15:30 T:1826356112 DEBUG: scraper: ParseTVDBIdFromEpisode returned <details>4818866</details>
23:15:30 T:1826356112 DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(0x6e1624b0)
23:15:30 T:1826356112 DEBUG: static bool CScraperUrl::Get(const CScraperUrl::SUrlEntry&, std::string&, XFILE::CCurlFile&, const string&): Using "UTF-8" charset for XML ""
23:15:30 T:1826356112 DEBUG: scraper: GetSearchResults returned <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?><results></results>
<CreateSearchUrl dest="3">
<RegExp input="$$1" output="<url>\1</url>" dest="3">
<expression noclean="1">(?:%20| |_)([]0-9]+)(?:\.ts|$)</expression>
<GetSearchResults dest="8">
<RegExp input="$$5" output="<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="yes"?><results><entity>\1</entity></results>" dest="8">
<RegExp input="$$1" output="<title>\1</title>" dest="5">
<RegExp input="$$1" output="<url cache="tt\1.xml" function="GetTVDBIdFromEpisode">\1&language=$INFO[language]</url>" dest="5+">
<expression noclean="1" />
<GetTVDBIdFromEpisode dest="3">
<RegExp input="$$1" output="<url cache="\1-$INFO[language].xml">\1/all/$INFO[language].zip</url>" dest="3">
23:11:04 T:1825258144 DEBUG: std::vector<CScraperUrl> ADDON::CScraper::FindMovie(XFILE::CCurlFile&, const string&, bool): Searching for '20160830 rtl Bones - Die Knochenjaegerin 2026' using IPTV PVR TV Series Scraper scraper (path: '/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/metadata.iptvpvr.tvdb', content: 'tvshows', version: '1.0.0')
23:11:04 T:1825258144 DEBUG: scraper: CreateSearchUrl returned <url></url>
23:11:04 T:1825258144 DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(0x71f0c220)
23:11:04 T:1825258144 INFO: void XCURL::DllLibCurlGlobal::easy_aquire(const char*, const char*, XCURL::CURL_HANDLE**, XCURL::CURLM**) - Created session to
23:11:04 T:1825258144 DEBUG: static bool CScraperUrl::Get(const CScraperUrl::SUrlEntry&, std::string&, XFILE::CCurlFile&, const string&): Using "UTF-8" charset for XML ""
23:11:04 T:1825258144 DEBUG: scraper: GetSearchResults returned <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="yes"?><results><entity><title>Bones - Die Knochenjägerin</title><url cache="tt4818866.xml" function="GetTVDBIdFromEpisode"></url></entity></results>
23:11:04 T:1825258144 DEBUG: bool ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails(XFILE::CCurlFile&, const CScraperUrl&, bool, CVideoInfoTag&): Reading movie '' using IPTV PVR TV Series Scraper scraper (file: '/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/metadata.iptvpvr.tvdb', content: 'tvshows', version: '1.0.0')
23:11:04 T:1825258144 DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(0x71f0c220)
23:11:04 T:1825258144 INFO: void XCURL::DllLibCurlGlobal::easy_aquire(const char*, const char*, XCURL::CURL_HANDLE**, XCURL::CURLM**) - Created session to
23:11:05 T:1825258144 DEBUG: static bool CScraperUrl::Get(const CScraperUrl::SUrlEntry&, std::string&, XFILE::CCurlFile&, const string&): Using "UTF-8" charset for XML ""
23:11:05 T:1825258144 DEBUG: scraper: GetDetails returned <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?><details><id></id><chain function="GetArt"></chain><episodeguide><url cache="-.xml"></url></episodeguide></details>
23:11:05 T:1825258144 DEBUG: scraper: GetArt returned <details><url function="ParseArt" cache="-de.xml"></url></details>
23:11:05 T:1825258144 DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(0x71f0c220)
23:11:05 T:1825258144 ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 404 for
Hello. I have seen Aeon Nox is a popular skin, so I recently installed it. I've been going back and forth between A_N and Estuary in Krypton, and periodically the fonts revert to Bebas Neue or Roboto Condensed when I go back. When I check in the skin.a...
The default role library nodes have translated strings in the language resource addons except "Remixers" (plural). The singular is in there @ #38036 which I am using in a skin but for consistency recommend adding "Remixers". scott s. .
Hey! This has probably been asked before but I would like a solid answer... If I deregister the account on my amazon firestick, will kodi still be available once I register a different account?! All I want to do is install Netflix, and catch up TV ap...
I've made an account specifically to try and find help hoping you all have an answer. I have the XGODY TV box model X96 Everything on it works perfectly except the sound ONLY in the kodi app. All the other apps have sounds and menu and setting all ha...
Hello all My current distro is requesting I upgrade my Samba server to Samba 4.2.11 I cannot find any detailed information about how to: Migrate my server settings from 3.6->4.2 Is Kodi/OpenElec compatable with a Samba 4 server How to setup Samba...
Hello I run a predominately Linux/OpenElec based network at home. All my media is stored on a central Linux Server running Samba. Media is shared to the home network using Samba Public shares requiring no passwords. The Kodi databases are stored on a ...
I had a LiveTV conflict for the first time. I had two recordings starting at the same time when I was watching LiveTV. And both recordings was on different MUX so the LiveTV couldn't continue. (At least that was what I thought happened.) Kodi totally f...
Link :
System: Fire stick OS: Andriod 5.1.1 API Level 22 (kernal: Linux 3.0.31+) Skin: AEON NOX Silo v5.8.7-3.0.6 I have widgets enabled on a custom tab, Movies tab, and others all with Exodus content. Whenever, I try to play a movie from the widget, Kodi fr...