Turkey IPTV Links 04.10.2016

#EXTM3U #EXTINF:-1,IPTVLinks.ga LIGTV 1 HD http://765hub.com:8000/live/tomy7022/98722/2.ts #EXTINF:-1,IPTVLinks.ga LIG TV 2 HD http://765hub.com:8000/live/tomy7022/98722/3.ts #EXTINF:-1,IPTVLinks.ga LIG TV 3 HD http://765hub.com:8000/live/tomy7022/98722/4.ts #EXTINF:-1,IPTVLinks.ga LIGTV 4 HD http://765hub.com:8000/live/tomy7022/98722/220.ts #EXTINF:-1,IPTVLinks.ga LİGTV-1-H.265.HVEC http://765hub.com:8000/live/tomy7022/98722/51.ts #EXTINF:-1,IPTVLinks.ga TR I LIG_TV1 HD http://765hub.com:8000/live/tomy7022/98722/2346.ts #EXTINF:-1,IPTVLinks.ga TR I LIGTV1 HD http://765hub.com:8000/live/tomy7022/98722/2347.ts #EXTINF:-1,IPTVLinks.ga TR I LIG TV 1 HD http://765hub.com:8000/live/tomy7022/98722/2348.ts #EXTINF:-1,IPTVLinks.ga VIP CHANNEL HD http://765hub.com:8000/live/tomy7022/98722/5.ts #EXTINF:-1,IPTVLinks.ga MOVIEMAX PREMIER HD… Read More »

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