Navigation multi-episode TV-show DVDS

I have quite a few DVDs with TV shows on it, and ripping each episode separately into one file per episode would take me weeks. So instead I have simply made copies of each VIDEO_TS directory and named them according to the instructions in the wiki. Us...

Unable To Refresh/Rescan Movie Library

Hi, I need to rescan my movie folders on an SMB share as I have made manual updates to all of my nfo files (about 1000) and I have followed the wiki instructions to set content to none, allow removal then set content to correct value (

Add-on Couldn’t be loaded

I've searched and searched and have been unable to rectify this issue. I have 2 android boxes. One works fine with IPTV but the other doesn't. I try to enable simple IPTV client, but continually receive the add-on couldn't be loaded error. I'm new to K...

Handling of loading tags

I'm trying to add a setting so that movies don't get grouped in sets, when viewing a tag, but I can't seem to find where in the code loading of tags is handleded. I've been digging for some hours now, and I think I've been close. The closes (I think) ...

app shortcut on homescreen

(obligatory newb to forum disclaimer) I've tried searching the internet and this forum but still cannot find the answer how can I add a selection to my home screen to launch the spotify for windows? I have install the advanced launcher addon and confi...

Bad stop object notificaiton

Boy this one was getting me for a while, on occasion i was receiving a crash on a notification... Finally caught the object: Code: {   "end": false,   "item": {     "title": "drdvd.iso",    &nbs...