Free iptv ger+ita+uk 01/10/2016
NOTE: turn off your ADBLOCK TO DOWNLOAD Hello every body this is a free list of GER+ITA+UK channels.m3u just enjoy it DOWNLOAD...
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
NOTE: turn off your ADBLOCK TO DOWNLOAD Hello every body this is a free list of GER+ITA+UK channels.m3u just enjoy it DOWNLOAD...
Hi all, Hopefully this is the correct location for this... If not please advise and I can either get it moved or delete/repost. So I have recently installed kodi 17 b2 from the windows app store and everything is working great, however I had an error ...
Link : - shrink your URLs and get paid! (
PinSentry is an addon that will allow you to set a pin code that you can then force to be input when you play a particular video file or navigate into a given TV Show or Plugin. There is also an option to force the user to enter a pin when the system...
Hi guys, Long time lurker here, but I've been scratching my head on this one for long enough so I need some help please. At home I have a raspberry pi3, currently running raspbian on a class 10 micoSD card, previously I had OSMC installed but for test...
Hi All I have been using XBMC and KODI for a number of years and have always processed my movies in Media Center Master which downloads Metadata to the movie folder on the NAS. I've noticed that my HTPC is now full with more Metadata, how can I stop ...
TvTunes has grown over time and is now more than a simple theme player for TV Shows, some of the features include: Play themes while navigating TV Shows Play themes while navigating Movies Play themes while navigating Music Videos Download themes fro...
#EXTM3U #EXTINF:-1,- – – – – – ITALIA- – – – – – – #EXTINF:-1,Rai 1 HD #EXTINF:-1,RAI 1 SD #EXTINF:-1,Rai 2 HD #EXTINF:-1,RAI 2 SD #EXTINF:-1,Rai 3 HD #EXTINF:-1,RAI 3 SD #EXTINF:-1,Rete 4 HD #EXTINF:-1,Canale 5 HD #EXTINF:-1,Canale 5 Dsl Lente #EXTINF:-1,Italia 1 HD
There have been several requests over the years for the other addons I have to be able to share their configuration across different installations. For example, PinSentry - to set up the configuration once, AudioBooks - to share the position listened...
The TvTunes screensaver is a screensaver that will allow you to: View artwork for TV Shows and Movies Play TV or Movie themes while showing artwork Show a set of different images in various display formats There are several different display option...
The Kodi Sonos Addon allows you to interact with your Sonos audio system. For more information you can have a look at the wiki entry: Add-on:Sonos You can install this addon from: Repository:robwebset Donations If you have found the Sonos addon u...
I got a 24x7 Windows 7 system with Kodi. It's nice because I have windows updates disabled. So Microsoft can't break my computer with crazy updates and no reboots required. I'm thinking of installing Windows 10 with Kodi. But I'm concerned about the a...
Hi all I hope this is the right place to post this, I have Kodi installed on an android TV Box and it's been running fine except for one issue that started two days ago. A few of the streams I have saved in 'favourites' are opening with either no pic...
AFTER HOURS....Of trying to figure out how to go from 16 to 16.1 I give up... My first box screwed up a reinstall so badly of xmbc it would not boot...THrew it away... Then a box with a "special version they had modified" and threw that away...Worked...
We've recently completed our home theater room in the basement and I want to build a media center for it. In the past I've always just used my laptop, but I want something more dedicated. As a plus it can help me really clean up some of the clutter. ...