Submit Video AddOn to Kodi GitHub Repository

Hello I have developed an addOn for Kodi Can someone please explain me in details how can I submit this one to the Kodi GitHub repository I have seen a lot of explains in the KODI official page, but I cannot understand because Im new to Kodi and even ...

All addons and repositories are gone

Hi, Today, after the update of some repositories and insert a bad url for m3u list of IPTV, I rebooted the kodi and all my addons, repositories and preferences (including all my favourites) were gone. I ended up with a clean kodi. After searching in ...

New User

Hi All, I'm a new Kodi user. I've done a fair amount of reading on various sites, but I'm stumped one issue in particular. I'm running Kodi 16.1 on an Amazon Firestick, and I've purchased both a Bluetooth mouse and keyboard, which I've hooked up to th...

Import of movie names from custom directory layout


I have a custom directory layout and naming scheme for my movie collection:

  • CATEGORY: e.g. fictional, non-fictional, show, music video
  • LANGUAGE: (main) language
  • SET: (optional) name of a set that groups several movies logically
  • SOURCE_TYPE: e.g. DVD, BD, TV, YouTube
  • SOURCE_ID: ID of the original source (e.g. publisher + catalog id, TV channel + date, YouTube ID)
  • SOURCE_TITLE: title of the original source (e.g. movie or box set)
  • YEAR: (optional) year of the release of the original source
  • PART_ID: ID or name of one part, which may be one single movie, several movies (TV series) or part of a movie (spanning multiple discs)
  • CONTENT: the actual data, either as directory (DVD, BD, SVCD), single file or multiple files
Unfortunately, this layout seems to be too complicated for use with Kodi because only the name of a file or its parent directory is used to identify a movie.

How can I best import my data into Kodi without renaming or moving files?

Currently, I have the following ideas:
  1. Create a feature request to support the full file path for movie- & folderstacking
  2. Write a script that generates NFO files from the directory layout
  3. Write a scraper

Comments? Ideas? What is the "Kodi" way to solve this problem?

The full story

I try to keep every file in its original format and to avoid format conversion wherever possible. I chose the above directory scheme to support this. It may look quite complicated, but it's universal enough to cover everything that I own, e.g. rips of physical discs, TV recordings, downloads and self-made videos. See down for some examples.

For TV series with multiple episodes per disc, I created a second directory hierarchy with 1 symbolic directory link per episode, e.g.
TV Series/Fictional/German/Columbo/Season 1/Episode 5 is a symbolic link to Movies/Fictional/German/Columbo/DVD/[Universal - 823 041 9] Die komplette erste Staffel (2005)/DVD 1.

OK, now I have this universal but proprietary directory layout. I've been using MediaPortal in the past, and it was possible to import my data using some plugins, scrapers and a little bit of manual work. I didn't find a way to achieve this in Kodi yet.

I activated Settings / File lists / Combine split video items and tried Movies are in separate folders that match the movie title. I've browsed through the forum, read about Naming video files, Moviestacking and Folderstacking and tried some regular expressions. If I understand it right, Kodi uses either the name of a file or its parent directory to identify a movie. Unfortunately this is not enough for my use case, I need at least a regular expression on the complete file path. I'm not sure if this would be enough for all cases (see example "Der Herr der Ringe" below) but I hope these exotic cases could be handled by a NFO file.


Movies/Fictional/German/-/BD/[Brainpool 88843052679] Stromberg Der Film/BD 1/BDMV/STREAM/00000.m2ts
Movies/Fictional/German/-/DVD/[Constantin - 74321 89686 9] The Score (2002)/DVD 1/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO
Movies/Fictional/German/-/DVD/[Columbia - 70103] Montys EnzykloPythonia (2003)/DVD 1 - Das Leben des Brian/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO
Movies/Fictional/German/-/DVD/[Columbia - 70103] Montys EnzykloPythonia (2003)/DVD 2 - Ritter der Kokosnuss/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO
Movies/Fictional/German/-/DVD/[Columbia - 70103] Montys EnzykloPythonia (2003)/DVD 3 - Ritter der Kokosnuss (Bonus Disc)/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO
Movies/Fictional/German/-/DVD/[Columbia - 70103] Montys EnzykloPythonia (2003)/DVD 4 - Der Sinn des Lebens/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_0.IFO
DVD-Box with disc spanning:
Movies/Fictional/German/Der Herr der Ringe/DVD/[Warner - Z5 Y15527] Der Herr der Ringe - Die Gefährten (2001)/DVD 1 Seite A/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO
Movies/Fictional/German/Der Herr der Ringe/DVD/[Warner - Z5 Y15527] Der Herr der Ringe - Die Gefährten (2001)/DVD 1 Seite B/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO
Movies/Fictional/German/Der Herr der Ringe/DVD/[Warner - Z5 Y15527] Der Herr der Ringe - Die Gefährten (2001)/DVD 2/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO
Movies/Fictional/German/Der Herr der Ringe/DVD/[Warner - Z5 Y15528] Der Herr der Ringe - Die zwei Türme (2002)/DVD 1 Seite A/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO
Movies/Fictional/German/Der Herr der Ringe/DVD/[Warner - Z5 Y15528] Der Herr der Ringe - Die zwei Türme (2002)/DVD 1 Seite B/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO
Movies/Fictional/German/Der Herr der Ringe/DVD/[Warner - Z5 Y15528] Der Herr der Ringe - Die zwei Türme (2002)/DVD 2/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO
Movies/Fictional/German/Der Herr der Ringe/DVD/[Warner - Z5 Y15529] Der Herr der Ringe - Die Rückkehr des Königs (2003)/DVD 1 Seite A/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO
Movies/Fictional/German/Der Herr der Ringe/DVD/[Warner - Z5 Y15529] Der Herr der Ringe - Die Rückkehr des Königs (2003)/DVD 1 Seite B/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO
Movies/Fictional/German/Der Herr der Ringe/DVD/[Warner - Z5 Y15529] Der Herr der Ringe - Die Rückkehr des Königs (2003)/DVD 2/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO
Movies/Fictional/German/-/TV/[2011-11-27 ProSieben] Das Experiment/FILE/Das Experiment.ts
Movies/Fictional/German/-/TV/[2002-01-12 ProSieben] Event Horizon/SVCD 1/MPEG2/AVSEQ01.MPG
TV series:
Movies/Fictional/German/Columbo/DVD/[Universal - 823 041 9] Die komplette erste Staffel (2005)/DVD 2/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO
Movies/Fictional/German/Columbo/TV/[ORF1] Alter schützt vor Torheit nicht/FILE/S2E4_Part1 Alter schützt vor Torheit nicht.mpg
Movies/Fictional/German/Columbo/TV/[ORF1] Alter schützt vor Torheit nicht/FILE/S2E4_Part2 Alter schützt vor Torheit nicht.mpg
Movies/Fictional/German/Es war einmal... das Leben/YouTube/[o8xpXlZ-COg] Die Zelle/FILE/S01E01 Die Zelle.mp4
Movies/Fictional/German/Mega Man/VHS/[ProSieben Entertainment - 70007-3] Aller Anfang ist schwer/FILE/[S1E01] Aller Anfang ist schwer.mpg
Movies/Fictional/German/Mega Man/VHS/[ProSieben Entertainment - 70007-3] Aller Anfang ist schwer/FILE/[S2E09] Die Robouniversität.mpg
Movies/Fictional/German/The Powerpuff Girls/TV/[SUPERRTL] The Powerpuff Girls/DVD 1/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO
Movies/Shows/German/Helge Schneider/TV/[2004-04-29 WDR] Prix Pantheon 2004 - Helge Schneider Solo/DVD 1/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO
Movies/Non-Fictional/German/SAT.1 News & Stories/TV/[2003-11-30 SAT.1] Einstürzende Doppelsterne/FILE/Einstürzende Doppelsterne.mpg
Movies/Personal/German/School/Camera/[2000-01] Theater Performance/DVD 1/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO
Movies/Personal/German/Family/Camera/[2010-01-01] Marriage/BD 1 - Ceremony/BDMV/STREAM/00000.m2ts

Albanian IPTV Links 29.09.16

#EXTM3U #EXTINF:-1, Film Thriller #EXTINF:-1, Film Nje #EXTINF:-1, Film Komedi #EXTINF:-1, Film Hits #EXTINF:-1, Film Dy #EXTINF:-1, Film Aksion #EXTINF:-1, Super Sport 4 #EXTINF:-1, Super Sport 3 #EXTINF:-1, Super Sport 2 #EXTINF:-1, Super Sport 1 #EXTINF:-1, Vizion Plus #EXTINF:-1, Tring World ALB #EXTINF:-1,… Read More »

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Just few requests…

Hi everyone! First of all, CONGRATULATIONS for such a big application, who let everyone share info. So interested! I have some issues to talk about... 1. It would be easier for everyone to click on some icon for report broken links (to remove them...