skin change gone terribly wrong

hi guys i tried to change the skin in my kodi. it was Confluence (i think. the basic one) and i changed it to something called app something (app.something... i think) i did it because it ran a bit slow and the new one said it's very simply and light. ...

car pc jessie

dont know if this the right part to put my thread, if not pleas move to right thx i need som help RBP 2 jessie 2016-05-27 may i am trying this but i dont understand this bit: Install build dependecies ...

RPi 3 Power issue with powered HDD

Hi It seems I have a unique problem. All the threads I searched relate to USB powered external HDD. I have a powered Verbatim extenal HDD but I still get the rainbow squares of power supply problems. Sometime yellow but most of the time red, with visi...

TVDB Scrapper only Showing Season 1


since i upgraded to Kodi 16 (from Kodi 15.2) the TVDB Scrapper is only Showing Season 1 for some TV Shows (mostly Comic/Anime Shows). Can't figure out why this is.

Here a Log extragt with Debuging on for one Episode i serched
22:00:37 T:139770884196416 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 12943863:160 0 KEY_OK devinput (KEY_OK)
22:00:37 T:139770884196416 DEBUG: OnKey: 11 (0x0b) pressed, action is Select
22:00:37 T:139768694241024 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc?tm=1474660837423
22:00:37 T:139768694241024 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc?tm=1474660837431
22:00:38 T:139770884196416 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogVideoInfo.xml) ------
22:00:38 T:139770884196416 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No NFO file found. Using title search for '/media/Raid/Serien/Ultimate Spider-Man/Season.04/Der.ultimative.Spider-Man.S04E09.mkv'
22:00:38 T:139770884196416 DEBUG: DialogProgress::Open called
22:00:38 T:139770884196416 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogProgress.xml) ------
22:00:38 T:139770884196416 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found episode match /media/Raid/Serien/Ultimate Spider-Man/Season.04/Der.ultimative.Spider-Man.S04E09.mkv (s4e9) [s([0-9]+)[ ._-]*e([0-9]+(?Sad?:[a-i]|\.[1-9])(?![0-9]))?)([^\\/]*)$]
22:00:38 T:139770884196416 DEBUG: GetEpisodeId (/media/Raid/Serien/Ultimate Spider-Man/Season.04/Der.ultimative.Spider-Man.S04E09.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=21929
22:00:38 T:139770884196416 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No NFO file found. Using title search for '/media/Raid/Serien/Ultimate Spider-Man/Season.04/Der.ultimative.Spider-Man.S04E09.mkv'
22:00:38 T:139770884196416 DEBUG: GetEpisodeList: Searching '' using The TVDB scraper (file: '/var/lib/vdr/.kodi/addons/', content: 'tvshows', version: '1.8.4')
22:00:39 T:139770884196416 ERROR: PCRE: Match limit reached
22:00:39 T:139770884196416 DEBUG: scraper: GetEpisodeList returned <episodeguide><episode><id>4975821</id><title>The Return of the Guardians of the Galaxy</title><aired>2014-07-06</aired><epnum>65</ep.... (couldN't fill that line fully in, is there a way to upload log file here?...)
22:00:39 T:139770884196416 DEBUG: OnProcessSeriesFolder - no match for show: 'Ultimate Spider-Man', season: 4, episode: 9.0, airdate: '01.01.1601', title: ''
22:00:39 T:139770884196416 DEBUG: Mysql execute: update path set strHash='' where idPath=7411
22:00:39 T:139770884196416 DEBUG: GetEpisodeId (/media/Raid/Serien/Ultimate Spider-Man/Season.04/Der.ultimative.Spider-Man.S04E09.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=21929
22:00:39 T:139770884196416 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogVideoInfo.xml) ------
22:00:39 T:139770884196416 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogProgress.xml) ------
22:00:40 T:139768694241024 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc?tm=1474660840427
22:00:40 T:139768628909824 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc?tm=1474660840428
22:00:40 T:139768628909824 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
22:00:40 T:139768628909824 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc?tm=1474660840443

Library indexing on NAS / Synology

Hi all, All my content (most music) is on a synology NAS. Kodi uses the mysql database on the same NAS for the library. The indexing is done by Kodi. I was wondering... Is it possible to let the indexing also do by the NAS? Someone familiar with thi...