Free iptv big mix channels 27/09/2019
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Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
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IPTV M3u Channels OSN , Mbc , Nilesat , Bein , ART 27/9/2016 Image: _Download_...
Prima Server IPTV Bein Sport Full HD 27/9/2016 Image: _Download_ (
IPTV 4000 Channels Sky,Bein,Canal,Fox,ZDF,Prima,Hbo 27/9/2016 Image: _Download_...
Ok - So I have the following setup for folders: Code: def List(category): if category == "1": addItem("Hi", "mode", logos+"247.png") &nbs...
MC v3.6.6.3 won't scrape any movies. They all produce the same error message - "Error - Running action [Scrape IMDB Main body] threw [String cannot be of zero length. Parameter name: oldValue]" If I revert back the previous version it works fine.
I'm currently using Jodi 16.1 on an android box. For some reason subtitles are not working. Both forced and download subtitles are not working. I would like to find a fix for this, but it seems that nothing is working.
Is there a way to eliminate this mess? Code: <content> &nb...
I have an android box with Kodi Jarvis 16.1. I am currently having issues getting the subtitles to work, both forced and downloaded subtitles. I would love to find a solution to this issue.
My video addon shortcuts will not save. Every time I configure my shortcuts on the home screen to my liking, as soon as I restart Kodi, it goes back to the original settings. This is driving me craze. Why won't it save my new settings?
#EXTM3U #EXTINF:-1,Germany_TV /// #EXTINF:-1,DE-Nicke_AS_HD #EXTINF:-1,DE-NICK_JR #EXTINF:-1,DE-Junior http://ca...