No video but I have sound

Two of my laptops, both are Panasonic CF-30 tough books. I use one at work and the other is for home. I tried multiple times with no luck on either. I even tried Kodi on a friends tough book CF-30. All three are windows 7 operating systems. and none of...

4k hdr + tuner + enigma 2

Hi gents, I'm in the market for a box that can run on enigma2 plugins, plays 4k hdr and has a dvbs 2 tuner. I have a vu+ uno and have looked at the vu+ solo 4k but that costs a lot considering i just spent a lot of money on my new tvs and getting the p...

Permanent Visible Submenu MQ7

I just switched from Aeon Nox to MQ7. Nox had a simple submenu that was always visible and attacked to the main menu items. Since Kodi currently lacks any form of mixed source types/exclusions, I used the common trick of making smart-playlists of my se...

[Krypton 17 and Superfavorites] Windows bug

Superfavorites and Kodi Krypton? It seems to have odd behavior in Krypton with Windows. If I choose to open any Superfavorite inside a Superfavorite folder it acts like its doing nothing, but actually opens the Superfavorite link in the background, bu...

Latest Windows 10 caused HDMI audio issue

I believe my windows 10 PC recently updated itself and now I cannot get the latest hidef audio formats to work via HDMI through Kodi Beta 17 (2)? Under windows audio devices, I am only seeing standard Dolby digital and DTS , not True-HD or DTS-MA? I ...

Every time I open Kodi, the internet crashes

I've used krypton beta 2 and jarvis 16.1 and every time I open kodi for some reason my internet crashes. I have uninstalled and reinstalled both version a few different times. Each time my internet crashes, I close Kodi and try to open up a page on chr...

ADULT +18 IPTV LINKS:24.09.2016

#EXTM3U #EXTINF:-1,Hot Club 2 #EXTINF:-1,Hot Club 3 #EXTINF:-1,Hot Club 4


#EXTINF:-1,----  ---
#EXTINF:-1,[DE] Universal HD
#EXTINF:-1,[DE] TNT Serie

(RSS generated with FetchRss)


#EXTM3U #EXTINF:-1,---* Turkce*--- #EXTINF:-1,TR: STAR TV HD #EXTINF:-1,TR: SHOW TV HD http://rts-tv-service.webhop....