1 Hour and 56 min” instead of 116 min?
I forget if this was asked before or not. Is there any chance you could change the type of display for how long a movie is like for example instead of "116 min" to "1 Hour and 56 min" instead? Thanks
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
I forget if this was asked before or not. Is there any chance you could change the type of display for how long a movie is like for example instead of "116 min" to "1 Hour and 56 min" instead? Thanks
Everytime I try and install a new update for the Metropolis skin I get a message that says "Failed to install add-on from zip" and so I need to shut down Kodi 17 and restart and then and only then the kin update will install. I seem to have this issue everytime I try and install an skin Metropolis skin update.
Here is info that was recommended to share with you.
12:31:41 T:4612 DEBUG: CAddonInstaller: installing from zip 'smb://BEDROOM-PC/Desktop/Metropolis 3.4.0 RC 3 for Kodi 17.zip'
12:31:41 T:4612 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x1c, sym: 0x000d, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0x0
12:31:41 T:660 ERROR: XFILE::CFile::Delete - Error deleting file C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\skin.metropolis\media\Textures.xbt
12:31:41 T:660 ERROR: XFILE::CFile::Delete - Error deleting file special://home/addons/skin.metropolis/media/Textures.xbt
12:31:41 T:660 ERROR: XFILE::CFile::Delete - Error deleting file C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\skin.metropolis\media\Textures.xbt
12:31:41 T:660 ERROR: XFILE::CFile::Delete - Error deleting file special://home/addons/skin.metropolis/media/Textures.xbt
12:31:41 T:660 ERROR: CAddonInstallJob[skin.metropolis]: could not read addon description of special://home/addons/skin.metropolis
Hi Should Kodi 16.1 running on Android 5.1.1 ask for superuser permissions? The reason I ask is I have a portable HDD connected via USB and kodi cannot write to it yet android can with es file explorer, and this is the only reason I can think of that...
I added a couple of TV series to my library but no TV Show menu item is available in the main menu (only Movies). I'm using the default Confluence skin. When browsing the content under files, it does indicate that there is episode information and it ...
Hi there I think this 2 feature are so important that I have joined the forum at 3am. Right now to switch which media center I can control I have to select,select,pause,select,repeat. Can we have the servers at the top and simply swipe once. 2nd featur...
i have made a wizard to install my build following this guide, I can install the plugin for the wizard to install. I have a log file here. any help would be apreciated, ive been struggling with this for a while.
Sorry a little new to this, not quite sure why I rated my own post.
After searching endless hours and trying to comprehend hardware and compare specs I finally threw in the towel in and created an account literally ten min ago to hopefully get a strait answer,. I checked all the different topics and this one seemed the most appropriate however if it is not I sincerely apologize. ok so on with it.......
I am currently running Kodi on a 2nd gen fire tv box. I am getting space is low notifications and buffering is getting worse,amazon comes on then screen goes black etc so I went to amazon to buy a plug in play box and I cant tell you how overwhelmed I was especially w all the different boxes claiming to do same and then theres the scammers out there. All I want is something around $100 or less that I can plug in and go to town. I don't play games all I really do use exodus and watch a few channels here and there. My fear is buying a box that isn't equivalent to what I have now hardware wise or buying a box that's just bogged down w unnecessary apps and I have read horror story after story about some boxes just being garbage and even harming your tv, I just bought a Sony 4k so the last thing I want is to damage tv.
I try comparing these boxes and its truly like attempting to read a foreign language. I cant decipher the all the diff lingo, descriptions of these. for example, quadcore, fire tv is quad core but then everyone I read about has a different type of quadcore, so whats the difference in all these? I am no techie. wish I was but I wasn't blessed w that gift. AGAIN, I am sorry if I am asking this in the wrong section or if I am even out of line here but could someone please recommend a good box for me to run kodi on that will have little or zero buffering.I have a 4k tv, brand new modem and router. it doesn't have to be from amazon I can order anywhere I just used that as an example. A friend of mine purchase a nexbox a85 and he has had zero buff "thus far" I don't want that one because it doesn't support 4k and its also only 1 ram. I noticed the Q5/Q10 were recommended but also read they can be bit tedious to work w if you are not technically inclined.
After reading everything you guys have written, I am blown away by everyone's knowledge so if there is a box that is a little over hundred then don't hold back on suggestions plz. .
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. .
Please feel free to ask anything you may need to suggest a good box.
Here is a variable iptv list with different world sport channels BEIN SPORTS SKY SPORTS BT SPORTS and many OTHER CHANNELS variable...
I have installed titan skin on my kodi runing on Archlinux and the other day I installed titan on kodi with Windows 7, I never used the powroff option since I'm using titan, the other day, my bother told me that the Power Off option does not work as it... The post iptv playlist 20.09.2016 appeared first on HackSat. The post iptv playlist 20.09.2016 appeared first on IPTVLinks.ga.
#EXTM3U#EXTINF:-1,Карусельhttp://,Animal Planethttp://,ПРЕМЬЕРА НТВ-ПЛЮСhttp://,НАШЕ НОВОЕ КИНО НТВ-ПЛЮСhttp://,КИНОХИТ НТВ-ПЛЮСhttp://,Discovery Channelhttp://,Комедия ТВhttp://,National Geographichttp://,Cartoon Networkhttp://,National Geographic HDhttp://,НАШЕ КИНО НТВ-ПЛЮСhttp://,Авто Плюсhttp://,КИНОКЛУБ НТВ-ПЛЮСhttp://,DTXhttp://,Кухня ТВhttp://,Индия ТВhttp://,Viasat Nature/History HDhttp://,365 дней ТВhttp://,TV 1000 Megahit HDhttp://,TV 1000 Premium HDhttp://,EUROSPORT 1 HDhttp://,TV 1000 Comedy HDhttp://,Ля-минор ТВhttp://,КИНО ПЛЮС НТВ-ПЛЮСhttp://,МНОГОсерийное ТВhttp:// #EXTM3U#EXTINF:-1,H3http://,ATV3http://,Foxhttp://,ATV2http://,ARhttp://,Dar-21http://,Football 3http://,World Fashion Channelhttp://,Limehttp://,NTVhttp://,Oxota i Ribalkahttp://,ATV1http://,Gullihttp://,Luyshttp://,Nash Footballhttp://,RUTVhttp://,Zvezdahttp://,ATV4http://,Disneyhttp://,Football 2http://,RBK-TVhttp://,TNThttp://,MTV AMhttp://,1TVRUShttp://,AMChttp://,Boechttp://,NatGeoWildhttp://,ATVhttp://,ATV5http://,Mezzohttp://,Football 1http://,Domashnie Jivotniehttp://,Armnewshttp://,ТНТ4http://,Tijihttp://,Sport1http://,TVChttp:// Let’s block ads! (Why?)
#EXTINF:-1,ITV 1http://,ITV 2http://,ITV 3http://,ITV 4http://,Channel 4 UKhttp://,Channel 5 UKhttp:// -1,Taiwan:National Geographichttp:// -1,Taiwan:Discovery Channelhttp:// -1,Taiwan:ASIA Travelhttp:// -1,Taiwan:NEWS HDhttp:// -1,Taiwan:CNNhttp:// -1,Taiwan:CTV HDhttp:// -1,Taiwan:CTV Newshttp:// -1,Taiwan:TVBS NEWShttp:// -1,Taiwan:TVB8http:// -1,Taiwan:EBC NEWShttp:// -1,Taiwan:Universal NEWShttp:// -1,Taiwan:Universal NEWS 2http://,SHOWTIMEhttp://,SHOWTIME 2http://,NBCSNhttp://,ESPNhttp://,FOX SPORThttp://,FS 1http://,FS 2http://,NBA TVhttp://,MLB NETWORKhttp://,SPORTShttp://,WWEhttp:// #EXTINF:0, tvg-logo=”/foxsports.png”,Fox Sportshttp://, tvg-logo=”/foxsports.png”,Fox Sports 2http://, tvg-logo=”/foxsports.png”,Fox Sports 3http://s4.latino-webtv.ml:8000/foxsports3/playlist.m3u8#EXTINF:0, tvg-logo=”/espn+.png”,ESPN +, tvg-logo=”/espn.png”,ESPNhttp://, tvg-logo=”/espn2.png”,ESPN 2http://, tvg-logo=”/espn3.png”,ESPN 3http://, tvg-logo=”/f1.png”,Formúla
#EXTM3U#EXTINF:-1,Карусельhttp://,Animal Planethttp://,ПРЕМЬЕРА НТВ-ПЛЮСhttp://,НАШЕ НОВОЕ КИНО НТВ-ПЛЮСhttp://,КИНОХИТ НТВ-ПЛЮСhttp://,Discovery Channelhttp://,Комедия ТВhttp://,National Geographichttp://,Cartoon Networkhttp://,National Geographic HDhttp://,НАШЕ КИНО НТВ-ПЛЮСhttp://,Авто Плюсhttp://,КИНОКЛУБ НТВ-ПЛЮСhttp://,DTXhttp://,Кухня ТВhttp://,Индия ТВhttp://,Viasat Nature/History HDhttp://,365 дней ТВhttp://,TV 1000 Megahit HDhttp://,TV 1000 Premium HDhttp://,EUROSPORT 1 HDhttp://,TV 1000 Comedy HDhttp://,Ля-минор ТВhttp://,КИНО ПЛЮС НТВ-ПЛЮСhttp://,МНОГОсерийное ТВhttp:// #EXTM3U#EXTINF:-1,H3http://,ATV3http://,Foxhttp://,ATV2http://,ARhttp://,Dar-21http://,Football 3http://,World Fashion Channelhttp://,Limehttp://,NTVhttp://,Oxota i Ribalkahttp://,ATV1http://,Gullihttp://,Luyshttp://,Nash Footballhttp://,RUTVhttp://,Zvezdahttp://,ATV4http://,Disneyhttp://,Football 2http://,RBK-TVhttp://,TNThttp://,MTV AMhttp://,1TVRUShttp://,AMChttp://,Boechttp://,NatGeoWildhttp://,ATVhttp://,ATV5http://,Mezzohttp://,Football 1http://,Domashnie Jivotniehttp://,Armnewshttp://,ТНТ4http://,Tijihttp://,Sport1http://,TVChttp:// Let’s block ads! (Why?)
The post iptv channels russia 20.09.2016 appeared first on IPTVLinks.ga.
#EXTINF:-1,ITV 1http://,ITV 2http://,ITV 3http://,ITV 4http://,Channel 4 UKhttp://,Channel 5 UKhttp:// -1,Taiwan:National Geographichttp:// -1,Taiwan:Discovery Channelhttp:// -1,Taiwan:ASIA Travelhttp:// -1,Taiwan:NEWS HDhttp:// -1,Taiwan:CNNhttp:// -1,Taiwan:CTV HDhttp:// -1,Taiwan:CTV Newshttp:// -1,Taiwan:TVBS NEWShttp:// -1,Taiwan:TVB8http:// -1,Taiwan:EBC NEWShttp:// -1,Taiwan:Universal NEWShttp:// -1,Taiwan:Universal NEWS 2http://,SHOWTIMEhttp://,SHOWTIME 2http://,NBCSNhttp://,ESPNhttp://,FOX SPORThttp://,FS 1http://,FS 2http://,NBA TVhttp://,MLB NETWORKhttp://,SPORTShttp://,WWEhttp:// #EXTINF:0, tvg-logo=”/foxsports.png”,Fox Sportshttp://, tvg-logo=”/foxsports.png”,Fox Sports 2http://, tvg-logo=”/foxsports.png”,Fox Sports 3http://s4.latino-webtv.ml:8000/foxsports3/playlist.m3u8#EXTINF:0, tvg-logo=”/espn+.png”,ESPN +, tvg-logo=”/espn.png”,ESPNhttp://, tvg-logo=”/espn2.png”,ESPN 2http://, tvg-logo=”/espn3.png”,ESPN 3http://, tvg-logo=”/f1.png”,Formúla… Read More »
The post iptv channels mix 20.09.2016 appeared first on IPTVLinks.ga.