iptv channels usa 18.09.2016

#EXTM3U#EXTINF:-1,MSNBC KIDShttp://,???,ESTV HDhttp://,AMChttp://,E!,???,FXhttp://,???,TNThttp://,SYFYhttp://,???,???,COMEDY CENTRALhttp://,???,USA HDhttp://,???,N/A HDhttp://,MOVIES 1http://,MOVIES 2http://,MOVIES 3http://,MOVIES 4http://,MOVIES 5http://,MOVIES 6http://,SHOWTIMEhttp://,SHOWTIME 2http://,SHOWCASEhttp://,???,MOVIES 7http://,STARZ CINEMAhttp://,MOVIES 8http://,HISTORYhttp://,HISTORY 2http://,ANIMAL PLANEThttp://,DISCOVERY CHANNELhttp://,NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIChttp://,???,INVESTIGATION DESCOVERYhttp://,NBCSNhttp://,ESPNhttp://,???,FS 1http://,FS 2http://,NBA TVhttp://,MLB NETWORKhttp://,SPORTShttp://,WWEhttp://,VERSUShttp://,TSN 1http://,TSN 2http://,TSN 3http://,TSN 4http://,TSN 5http://,SN 1http://,FOX SPORTShttp://,SNWLhttp://,SN CENTRALhttp:// Let’s block ads! (Why?)

The post iptv channels usa 18.09.2016 appeared first on IPTVLinks.ga.

iptv channels uk 18.09.2016

#EXTM3U#EXTINF:0,UK: 3Ehttp://,UK: 5 STARhttp://,UK: 5 USAhttp://,UK: ALIBI HDhttp://,UK: ANIMAL PLANEThttp://,UK: AT THE RACEShttp://,UK: BBC FOUR HDhttp://,UK: BBC NEWShttp://,UK: BBC WORLD NEWShttp://,UK: BLOOMBERG US HDhttp://,UK: Boomeranghttp://,UK: BOX NATION HDhttp://,UK: BOX OFFICE PPV (LIVE DURING BOXING MATCH),UK: BT SPORT 1 HDhttp://,UK: BT SPORT 2 HDhttp://,UK: BT SPORT ESPN HDhttp://,UK: BT SPORT EUROPE HDhttp://,UK: CARTOON NETWORKhttp://,UK: CBBChttp://,UK: CBEEBIEShttp://,UK:… Read More »

The post iptv channels uk 18.09.2016 appeared first on IPTVLinks.ga.

addons.ini Creator for TV Guides

plugin.video.addons.ini.creator addons.ini Creator * easily Create addons.ini files for TV Guide addons * Subscribe to TV Channel Folders within Addons * Update addons.ini with Addon Folder Channels Notes * set Output Folder first * optionally chang...

SlingTV Add-On or Workarounds

Hey Guys - I use Kodi on many devices and consider myself a more advanced user. My primary Kodi system is a dedicated Windows 10 workstation which connects to my main TV via HDMI. Most of my media is accessed on a 42tb drive pool over the LAN, but ...

iptv channels usa 18.09.2016

#EXTM3U #EXTINF:-1,MSNBC KIDS #EXTINF:-1,??? #EXTINF:-1,ESTV HD #EXTINF:-1,AMC #EXTINF:-1,E! #EXTINF:-1,??? #EXTINF:-1,FX #EXTINF:-1,??? #EXTINF:-1,TNT #EXTINF:-1,SYFY #EXTINF:-1,??? #EXTINF:-1,??? #EXTINF:-1,COMEDY CENTRAL […] The post iptv channels usa 18.09.2016 appeared first on HackSat.

The post iptv channels usa 18.09.2016 appeared first on IPTVLinks.ga.

TV Show layout

How do I get TVShows to show up as Season vs just 3x03 Jimmy 5 is Alive when I go into a TVShow folder? I would like to see it as TV Show Season1 Season2 not TV Show 3x01 3x02 4x02 4x03 I have the latest stable Kodi, TItan 3.7.23, and Emby addo...

iptv channels uk 18.09.2016

#EXTM3U #EXTINF:0,UK: 3E #EXTINF:0,UK: 5 STAR #EXTINF:0,UK: 5 USA #EXTINF:0,UK: ALIBI HD #EXTINF:0,UK: ANIMAL PLANET #EXTINF:0,UK: AT THE RACES #EXTINF:0,UK: BBC FOUR HD […] The post iptv channels uk 18.09.2016 appeared first on HackSat.

The post iptv channels uk 18.09.2016 appeared first on IPTVLinks.ga.

TV Show layout

How do I get TVShows to show up as Season vs just 3x03 Jimmy 5 is Alive when I go into a TVShow folder? I have the latest stable Kodi, TItan 3.7.23, and Emby addon that pulled in all my Movies/TV Show. Also using Netflix view as of right now My media...

iptv playlist m3u 18.09.2016

http://iptv.amrocomputers.com:25461/get.php?username=star7arab&password=42AuNowwgj&type=m3u&output=mpegts http://ip.kmsat.info:8000/get.php?username=Fernando&password=Fernando&type=m3u http://boxiptv.noip.us:9998/get.php?username=testt&password=testt&type=m3u http://iphdtv.ddns.net:8330/get.php?username=FreeTest&password=5yuj5kdbxdtudxfb&type=m3u http://grandiptv.myftp.org:8000/get.php?username=5grandiptv915&password=67863345&type=m3u http://opasnivirus.dynns.com:8000/get.php?username=vladimir&password=vladimir123&type=m3u The post iptv playlist m3u 18.09.2016 appeared first on HackSat.

The post iptv playlist m3u 18.09.2016 appeared first on IPTVLinks.ga.

Best match downsampling not right….

Equipment: Macbook Pro, DragonFly 1.2 DAC. KODI. All software patched to latest versions. I've set audio to best match bit rates. My DAC supports all bit rates up to 96khz, and best match works great up to this, but I have a number of files at 176.4 a...

Audio playlist creation issues


I'm using Krypton beta on Ubuntu 16.04 via unstable PPA. My main usage is music playback.

I've discovered 2 issues with playlists created from various songs from different albums:

1. Songs which have special characters in filenames are added without these characters. For example song "01. Ol’ ’55.flac" is added as "01. Ol 55.flac". So no way to play such songs from playlist.

2. Songs from different albums are added with their original index/track numbers from albums. When you try to play such playlist from TV interface it plays in correct order (oroginal order o songs from m3u file) but when you try to play it from any remote songs are mixed-up - sorted according to track numbers from original albums (i've tried Yatse and official Kodi remote for iOS).

Kodi woes

I have been a happy camper - although a casual user not a tweaking expert - for years with XBMC and a home theater user for decades. Migrated from soundgraph, Windows Media Center, Media portal etc... tried almost everything. Fixed the minor issues wi...

Beta 2 Bug?

After installing V17 beta2, if you go to TV/recordings, the already recorded programs do not show up. They do show up in the widgets, but not in the recordings list. Rob

Can’t install addon

The most recent version of Jarvis is installed on a W7-64. The problem is, 1. it downloads stalker plus from repository but won't install - so stalker plus is not installed. 2. using stalker addon that was part of the Kodi, it is installed and ...