A post from Sat TV IPTV

http://star.010e.net:8000/get.php?username=IzsOCzhSPR&password=r0fgg5uhr32&type=m3u http://service1.astrovida.tv:8000/get.php?username=ufhDpz7aJ07&password=3wOK6XTVMPc&type=m3u http://ipstream.skyvps.org:8000/get.php?username=uaug0607x&password=vS7vk43q4o&type=m3u http://super–iptv.ddns.net:8000/get.php?username=nicola2&password=nicola2&type=m3u

1080p not displaying correctly but 720p is perfect

Hi, after updating to the latest beta i had to change the resolution down to 1280x720p cause i only got the top left side in 1920x1080p my tv is a 4k so the problem should not be there i also tried another tv that has a max 1920x1080 with the same res...

Failed to connect to URL – No library found

My Kodi has been acting up the last month and ive tried everything to fix it! I would highly appreciate some help. I have the v16.1 Jarvis. When I click on a show in my favorites the message pops up as following :Failed to connect to URL and then alo...

Setting Background for added menu item

Although I just started playing with it, I definitely love BGN! Quick and beautiful. Great combination. When I add a custom menu item - TV shows for example, I would like to install a background to match. If I add TV Shows, and then go to the backg...


I've been playing around with this plugin and it seems quite flaky - it also seems very quiet with development too. Is this plugin still supported? I've been using TVHeadend and it seems a lot more stable, and its definitely a lot quicker. However m...

Custom Nodes On Pi (LibreElec)

Just started using LE 07.95.05 on my new RPi3, first time looking at my the RPi setup since my first install. Meanwhile I have been working on Kodi development using a Windows environment, and thus runnng test versions under Win 7 and now Win 10. I go...

librtmp flashver m3u8 / strm fix

For some of you that may also of had some failing rtmp links. You have to add flashVer before swfUrl, you also have to replace spaces with \20 so flashVer=WIN 22,0,0,209 becomes flashVer=WIN\2022,0,0,209 some small oddity to do with librtmp vs rt...

MatchCenter and SportsCalendar artwork needed

Well, let's see if I have any luck. There are a few images that I need for both MatchCenter (http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=259894) and a new addon I am developing (sports calendar). For MatchCenter: This is basically an addon that brings li...

Did pvr://channels/tv/all channels/ changed in the last nightlies?

Just asking, because it's not working anymore, if I use this path for a widget list in the home screen.

It seems that pvr://channels/tv/all channels/ doesn't work, if the localization is set to another language. ../Alle Kanäle/ works on a German interface.
Bug or - hopefully not - a wanted behaviour?

USTVNow Plus on Apple TV 4 won’t let me login

My issue with USTVNow Plus on Apple TV 4 is this: When I configure USTVNow Plus from the Add-on Information, I put in my email and password, and I know the email and password are correct because it's the same info I put on the desktop version. When I...