Subtitles not working

Recently I decided to watch a few tutorials and read a few things about the best way to go about it. They all pointed to going into the video settings and setting up a default movie and tv subtitle add-on, more specifically I followe...

No library when using any version over v15.2

I have a Synology NAS set up with MariaDB (5.5.47-0037) to handle my library, so I can use whatever client in my house and have a sync'd library. I'd like to update to the latest version but my library disappears when I open up v16 or v17 beta. The sou...

Vertical home menu

Is there a way to get the submenu in AZ:FA vertical menu to open when you navigate to the right instead of left? Thanks

Wake on lan problem

Hi, Today, after upgrading ipad air and iphone 6 plus and iphone 6 to iOS 10 only on ipad wake on lan still working. Any suggestions? Inviato dal mio iPhone utilizzando Tapatalk

amber giving error on kodi startup

Recently I have been seeing the following error on kodi startup using the amber skin. I tried reinstalling amber, but it did not help kodi 16.1 ubuntu 16.04.1 07:04:36 T:139785371559680 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python ...

Kodi free or via Android box

Forgive my ignorance but what is the difference between using Kodi via my laptop and the purchase of an android box loaded with Kodi Sorry if this seems a daft question but I am really only just learning about this medium Thanks

A post from Free IPTV

iptv channels mix 14.09.2016 -

iptv channels mix 14.09.2016 Let’s block ads! (Why?)

A post from Free IPTV

iptv free channels 14.09.2016 -

iptv free channels 14.09.2016

#EXTM3U#EXTINF:-1,Sky Sport 1 HDhttp://,National Geographic HDhttp://,ZDF HDhttp://,VOXhttp://…

A post from Free IPTV

iptv channels moldavia 14.09.2016 -

iptv channels moldavia 14.09.2016

#EXTM3U#EXTINF:-1,Moldova 1http://,Jurnal TVhttp://,PRO TVhttp://,TVRhttp://,Publikahttp://,HTB / TV7http://…

MySQL Trouble

I am having trouble pushing my advancedsettings using MYSQL. So I bought a new FireTV Box. I got KODI installed no problem via ADB, I changed the splash screen via ADB no problem. I opened up KODI to create the userdata folder, I then tried to insta...

Stuttering DLNA / UPnP

Hello Everyone, I am new here and I have an issue streaming movies over DLNA. I have an Intel NUC PC installed with windows 10. I use Kodi as a DLNA server to stream my movies over WiFi to my Oppo Bluray player and to my PC. Almost all the movies are ...


I have the laterst version of Kodi, my download speed averages about 11 mbps but most of the times I cannot see a movie continuousely due to excessive buffering...Can someone help me resolve this annoying issue?? Thank You.[/size]