kodi not working

hi and help! kodi has been acting up for at least two weeks... i can open it.. open video, open add-ons and the i click exodus and say for instance "new episodes" and it acts like it is going to work.. it starts buffering and then just stops? i dele...

SSL problem

Hi! I've just installed libreElec with Kodi on RPi2. I also installed Web viewer, cause I need to log in on a webpage to access the wifi. Now, when I open the browser I got an error: Error loading page. <urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAIL...

Widget spacing??

How can I change the spacing between the widget posters as I want to make the closer together I've looked through both the template.xml and includeshomewidgets.xml but can't seem to find it.


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ADULT IPTV LIST:14.09.2016

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A post from Free IPTV

Greek channels m3u - IPTVLinks.ga http://freeiptv.weightlosstoday.org/2016/09/14/greek-channels-m3u/

Greek channels m3u

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Need a 2 Box Solution

I'm hoping I can get what I want out of two boxes because I already know there isn't any one box that will. Please let me know which two if any will do: 1.) Netflix 2.) Amazon Prime 3.) Kodi 4.) OTA 1080i from my HDHomerun Extend or other antenna ena...

Greek channels m3u

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Greek channels m3u

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The post Greek channels m3u appeared first on IPTVLinks.ga.

Krypton and Apple TV 4

Hello all, I have sideloaded beta1 of Krypton onto my ATV4. I have noticed the following: 1) Under System Info/Network the DNS and gateway IPs are not showing. Is this ok? Thanks, Steve

Kodi 17

What are some of the inexpensive android boxes that will work with Kodi 17 and why?

Live video streaming analytics

Hello there ! The last few days I've trying to find a way to create an addon that silently monitores the user's video activity while watching Live TV from streams that I provide (without a tv tuner, just links). Is there a way to record how long a use...

RE: How to make IMDB the scraper for TV Show Library

Has anyone found a way to make IMDB the default scraper for TV shows in the KODI video library? TVDB is awful and has yet to tag a single one of my 300+ tv shows / cartoons properly. Wrong season, wrong episode names, wrong order of episodes etc. Tryin...