Doesn’t work on Jarvis 16.1
The version in the repository seams to be out of date and doesn't work on Kodi Jarvis 16.1.
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
The version in the repository seams to be out of date and doesn't work on Kodi Jarvis 16.1.
Hey, I have a PC set to just boot up kodi and sometimes I bring it with me to friends. Just wondering if it's possible to connect to wifi via kodi instead of doing it via windows. Thanks
Hi Everyone While watching videos on Kodi, my ExtHDD connections resets randomly and the playing video stops and I am returned to the library screen. By reset I mean I hear the windows sound signifying new harddrive connected then after 1-2 seconds th...
Hi everybody, I encountered above mentioned problem, after a fresh Windows 10 and Kodi install. I couldn't even once access Kodi-Homescreen. Only splashscreen and an error message. (application has to be closed....) Actually, I solved the issue by n...
uk + Nile sat Arabic sky movies vivo itv -
iptv bein sport & tele milano 13.09.2016 -
hi! Premium List updated Added *Pink Channels that was missing *Some Brasil Channels
Any help guys would be helpful! Trying to add sonos addon but keeps saying use robweb set repo. Cant find it anywhere
#EXTM3U #EXTINF:-1,9 – osn yahala drama hd #EXTINF:-1,8 – osn yahala hd #EXTINF:-1,7 – osn movie hd comedy #EXTINF:-1,6 – osn movie hd 2 #EXTINF:-1,5 – […] The post iptv osn & bein sport 13.09.2016 appeared first on HackSat.
The post iptv osn & bein sport 13.09.2016 appeared first on
#EXTINF:-1,Bein Sports beIN sports 1 HD EXTINF:-1,beIN sports 2 HD EXTINF:-1,beIN sports 3 HD,Tele Milanortmp:// Let’s block ads! (Why?)
#EXTINF:-1,Bein Sports beIN sports 1 HD EXTINF:-1,beIN sports 2 HD EXTINF:-1,beIN sports 3 HD,Tele Milanortmp:// Let’s block ads! (Why?)
The post iptv bein sport & tele milano 13.09.2016 appeared first on
#EXTINF:-1,Bein Sports # beIN sports 1 HD # EXTINF:-1,beIN sports 2 HD # EXTINF:-1,beIN sports 3 HD #EXTINF:-1,Tele Milano rtmp:// The post iptv bein sport & tele milano 13.09.2016 appeared first on HackSat.
The post iptv bein sport & tele milano 13.09.2016 appeared first on
Hey there, i wonder if there is a way to open the "Video Info Dialog" for a specific movie via an onclick. For example: From an OSD button onlick in "FullscreenVideo". Any hints welcome! Thanks
Hi My config - frontend on RPi2 with mpeg2 HW decoder enabled OSMC 2016.08-1 Kodi 16.1 VDR VNSI Client 1.11.19 Backend on Debian Jessie vdr 2.3.1 vnsiserver 1.5.0 (using protocol 9) No problem with video/audio, its working perfectly, but no EPG. Some...