I love my new custom Amazon fireTV player…

I bought several players over the years but so far this by far is the best running without buffering issues. Well actually I was given lots of good information by you that I power cycle regularly and no longer have most of the issues I use to. Thank you so much One Tech Genius, You are a smart smart ass genius man! 

OneTechGenius is a true KODI expert!

This guy knows his stuff. I thought I knew about KODI enough to not screw it up but if it wasn't for his brain I woul not be saving as much money and at the same time accessing anything I want anytime for free. Thanks for everything 1techgenius bud!

Investing in cryptocurrency

Short of buying an Apple tv (they seem to be most stable for Directvnow) found the cord at Wal-Mart to attatch from tablet or phone to HDMI then into tv. My question is how to keep device charged during use as it will drain battery fast!! Tried laptop,...