VLC for iOS, iPadOS and Apple TV • installing without appstore
as apple has successfully made this ipod touch useless, so that it’s not possible to install anything from the app store, anyone with any tips...
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
as apple has successfully made this ipod touch useless, so that it’s not possible to install anything from the app store, anyone with any tips...
Hi Everyone, There are a couple of audio passtrough topic were opened. I am opening a new one because I think mine is different. I have...
Again, this is not the right place to ask. Nobody here knows how to get logs for your display drivers. Statistics: Posted by Rémi Denis-Courmont...
I’m currently trying to rip a DVD and it keeps recording the wrong language. I’m trying to get the original English, but presumably because “Deutsch”...
If your computer doesn’t start because there is no electricity, do you ask for help for the computer shop or the electricity distributor? You have...
If your computer doesn’t start because there is no electricity, do you ask for help for the computer shop or the electricity distributor? You have...
Again, this is not the right place to ask. Nobody here knows how to get logs for your display drivers. i dont get it, if...
If it’s only through VLC, most likely display drivers are at fault, but this is really not the right place to enquire/ascertain. yes it only...
Attempting to Cast video (image + audio) to remote projector wirelessly via a MS Display Adapter hooked to an Epson projector. When doing so on...
If it’s only through VLC, most likely display drivers are at fault, but this is really not the right place to enquire/ascertain. Statistics: Posted by...
So the video has no audio track. Makes sense that it’s silent then Statistics: Posted by Rémi Denis-Courmont — 21 Apr 2024 03:26
VLC can only crash its own self, not the entire Windows. This must be a problem with kernel mode stuff such as device drivers. It...
VLC can only crash its own self, not the entire Windows. This must be a problem with kernel mode stuff such as device drivers. It...
since Ive bought this laptop I’ve had this problem after research it seems the same as these ppl are reporting, even years ago:https://www.reddit.com/r/VLC/comments/g … ullscreen/...
There has not been major VLC release since the OP. Menus can’t be renamed easily due to localisation. Statistics: Posted by Rémi Denis-Courmont — 21...