How can I host videos on one server while using the bandwidth of others?
I have videos hosted on one of my servers, they simple stream from that server direct to users on my webpage using the DivX Web...
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
I have videos hosted on one of my servers, they simple stream from that server direct to users on my webpage using the DivX Web...
Apache out of the box Apache2 does not support streaming out of the box however nowadays most browsers do, that means if you have correctly...
Quartz is not available for it yet. If there are more like me, than you’re very happily using Kodi with Quartz and do not want...
Hi, I recently installed ffmpeg to compress some videos I had, but after finally running the ffmpeg string on PowerShell to reduce a file’s size,...
In order to use HTML5 features to play an MP3 file the browser would need to know the URL to the MP3 file, and therefore...
A quick update: Removing ffmpeg from the Path folder on Windows and restarting my computer has fixed the issue; But I wouldn’t call this a...
Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with...
I delete folder manually that didn’t help. Statistics: Posted by Gendalfcs — 09 Apr 2024 16:30
And second thing I plan to store videos in seperate dedicated server and is it possible to protect it’s actual location? Following on from grgarside’s...
No MR, no patch. What exactly is an MR? Statistics: Posted by v81 — 10 Apr 2024 07:45
The most universally recognized lossy audio format in 2016 is MPEG-4 AAC audio. Every device from the 21st century that can play audio video uses...
Hello. I installed Kodi. Everything works perfectly. My question is the following: How can I copy BACKUP in USB flash drive inserted on the TV....
Good morning. I have noticed a strange problem. I already tried uninstalling and reinstalling the program. I use Windows 10. It happens that when I...
My plan is to create a website that streams Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super episodes and offer a better service than...
Howdy – long-time user who is looking to refresh my setup. There used to be ubuntu minimal (server) install guides for Nvidia and Intel HW...