5GHZ band on Roku express +?

Have an older tube tv I'm not ready to give up on yet. My internet wireless gateway supports both 2.4GHz & 5GHZ band. Does the Roku express + (yellow red and white cord) support 5GHZ band? By chance does it have an ethernet port on it? Thanks, Andy

Layer 3 Streaming DVR

Has anyone experienced the Layer 3 Streaming DVR? I am told that its picture quality surpasses Dish and Direct TV. Although it currently lacks the apps that Roku provides (they say Netflix and Hulu are coming soon), it has the potential to offer the functionality of a high picture quality Dish or Direct TV and Roku in 1 box.

Their Platinum package of 250+ HD channels and locals is less costly than Dish's Top 250. They provide the full time 4K NASA channel. No contractual commitment...

Layer 3 Streaming DVR

More Roku…

I signed up with NBC Sports Gold for the Premier league.Premier League is unlocked on website but how do I know it will be unlocked on my tv app?

Using my Roku…

tv for streaming (Sling,Hulu.etc.) Internet service from my only provider in my area would be at $89.99 + taxes per month.So add the cost of streaming service I might as well keep cable.Is there a way to do it cheaper? I've been around a long time,but still learning.

C++ PVR with inputstream.adaptive

Hi, I am trying to build a "native" pvr addon which could open stream with inputstream adaptive interface. I use a python addon version for doing that right now but I want to move to "native' for better epg integration. For now I can't find out how I...

Metropolis 3.4.3 small font issue!

Hi Jingai, I installed Metropolis 3.4.3 and I don't know if my eyes are playing tricks on we or what but the font size has gotten smaller for the "finish time" and "playing and total time" as well. Any chance you can make both of them a little bigger...

Poland Polsat + Sky Germany iptv beIN HBO

#EXTINF:-1,Polonia 1 #EXTINF:-1,Planete+ Polska #EXTINF:-1,MiniMini+ #EXTINF:-1,TVP Sport #EXTINF:-1,TVP 3 Warszawa (TVP Regionalna) #EXTINF:-1,nSport+ #EXTINF:-1,TVP Info #EXTINF:-1,Discovery Channel Polska #EXTINF:-1,Kino Polska #EXTINF:-1,TV Puls #EXTINF:-1,TVP Historia #EXTINF:-1,HBO 2 HD Polska #EXTINF:-1,Sport Klub Polska #EXTINF:-1,TVP ABC #EXTINF:-1,Discovery Historia Polska #EXTINF:-1,Kino Polska Muzyka… Read More »