Library updates without Internet?

Hi all, I've searched and have not been able to find any ideas on how to solve my particular problem. I have a friend who I've built a Pi3 box for with an external HDD storing media. They live in the country with no available internet options (outsi...

Need help with HTPC Hardware/Software Config

Hi, This is my first post, so please excuse and advise if I posted to the wrong forum. I am interested in building an HTPC based on KODI with PVR capability for recording OTA content from terrestrial antenna. After several hours of research, I've na...

[RELEASE] (Arabic) scraper

Hello Guys. this is my first scraper its for and it will get all data available in this site in Arabic so you can now use it watch gallery This scrapper supports all of this: - Title - Plot - Year - Director - Country - Credits - Genre...


I could not find it anywhere else on this forum, so here it goes... To all those out there who use Kodi, how about just being grateful for this fantastic FREE program? I for one, would like to send a big thank you to all the Kodi team from the bottom ...

Kodi repository lost!!!

Hi fellow Kodi users, I have a problem which I have never encountered before, and cannot find the answer to. I tried to reinstall TedTalks, by uninstalling and reinstalling it and somehow ended up erasing the Kodi Repository itself!!! I know I can in...

Cannot play streams on Raspberry PI 2

Well, sometime ago i was using app on Kodi 15 (On recalbox 4.0) and was working fine. One day, all suddently stop working, i can't watch any streams on app, but i guessed that was a app related or the kodi version. The log error is ...

a little help needed please

I have an android box. I upgraded to 17.3 No issues so far. I downloaded _______ and installed without any errors. When I reboot the system and then click on the "K" I am shown P____ with a circle around it for a few moments and then Im taken to KODI i...