Delay in radio url

Hello All, I am playing some web URL's (radio channels) in Kodi 17. The URL getting played with some delay (7-8sec). But the same URL playing in VLC player gets played in just 1-2 sec. I have also updated some cachebuffer and memory buffer settings in...

Win10 App crashes if NAS not available

Hi, I'm very new to Kodi. I like to use Kodi on my PC, Tablets and FireTV sticks. For my first start I used Windows 10 Kodi App (17.3 Krypton) and the add-on 'Advanced WOL'. I started Kodi App and Advanced WOL did his job - the NAS started and I had ...

Video .nfo files containing a mix of XML and URL

I want to add a tag <SimilarFlix> to thousands of my movies. For example for the Movie Saw I have as follows: Saw (2004).nfo Code: <Movie> <SimilarFlix>Cell, The (2000)</SimilarFlix> <SimilarFlix>Hannibal (2001)</...

Multiple Source Locations for a single Item

Here is my situation. I work at a community college, and we are deploying Kodi as a replacement to Windows Media Center as a client for our media server. The problem we have been faced with is that we currently only have one media server for both campu...

OSMC problem with the play list M3U sorting

hello, my problem : I create a playlist sort by myself (no by title or no by author etc..) When I use web interface raspip:8080 or remote controle like : kodi remote Sybu (Iphone app) , the playlist was sort by title . I don't have screentouch or s...

Update source questions

If an addon has its own repo installed on my box, but I want it to automatically get it's updates from another repo that i have installed, what do I do?

Error when using the kodi remote app to play files

Get this error when I (use the iOS kodi remote app) choose movies, files, drama and movies then Korean drama XBMC JSON-RPC Error: Invalid params. (Code: -32602) Data: (null) METHOD Files.GetDirectory PARAMETERS {directory="rss://

Live streaming .ts files

Hi my kodi doesnt plays any ts file i have tried. I tested my channels with vlc they work but when i try to play with kodi it doesnt works. What to do? Does kodi really supports .ts files??

Saving subtitles WITHOUT language-code

Since a few versions ago Kodi has changed the way updates work, and has removed the option to save subtitles without a language code (afaik). Because of this, subtitles downloaded through Kodi's subtitle addon can no longer be found by my DVR (which o...