Hot Reboot Command

Hi there, I was wondering if there is a kodi command for hot reboot? I looked in list_of_built-in_functions (wiki) and found "Reboot" and "Reset" it says they both do the same thing though. Thanks.

How can I change skin to always show time

I want to make a change to the skin to always show current time and time remaining (or end time) in videofullscreen. I've browsed through many posts, but failed to find clear instructions. Can someone point me in the right direction. I recently switch...

100 User Cccam Free 29.06.2017

Host : Port : 2000 User + Pass Up-4ever CLICK HERE The post 100 User Cccam Free 29.06.2017 appeared first on HackSat Team.

All the sudden no dvd covers, only thumbnails

Uploaded a few movies, like always. Updated the library, like always. LibreElec grabs movie info, like always. But no dvd cover art, just a thumbnail screenshot from the movie, short and wide. Why? What happened? It's grabbing movie info but not...

Need some help changing Unwatched Movies on Home Screen, based on current date

Hi all,

I've recently been making some small changes to the default Estuary skin to suit my library, and have been able to change the couple of things I wanted changed (mostly changing the amount of movies displayed on the Recently Added and Unwatched Movies areas, to display 25 movies each), and to eliminate (through the smart playlists) certain things from showing up in either list (namely short films and Christmas movies).

In any case, what I'm trying to accomplish now is to change the Unwatched Movies area to display a different set of movies (by changing the source to different, already-created smart playlists), based on the current date. Specifically, I'm hoping to display holiday specific movies there during certain times of the year. I already have the genres "Christmas" and "Halloween" added to the appropriate movies in my library, and smart playlists that will pull random titles from each genre. I figure the following section from the home.xml file is what I need to change:

                        <include content="WidgetListPoster" condition="Library.HasContent(movies)">
                            <param name="content_path" value="special://skin/playlists/unwatched_movies.xsp"/>
                            <param name="widget_header" value="$LOCALIZE[31007]"/>
                            <param name="widget_target" value="videos"/>
                            <param name="list_id" value="5300"/>

Basically, I'm looking to add a couple of conditions, and display the appropriate movies, based on the current date. So I think I need to somehow define the System.Date(MM-DD,MM-DD) condition. For example, if condition System.Date(11-27,12-25) is true, then I would want the following content_path parameter to point to "special://skin/playlists/random_christmas_movies.xsp". I would also like to do the same for Halloween (with dates of say, 10-01,10-31, and a playlist named random_halloween_movies.xsp).

After much searching, I just can't find out if this is possible to do or not, and if it is possible, how to accomplish this correctly. Can I define multiple conditions in the include statement, and, if so, would I just replicate this section of code 3 times, and just change the condition and the path for each, or is there a way to define a condition for a parameter? Thanks in advance, for any help anyone can provide.

Sorry if this isn't posted in the correct section. I am using the Estuary skin (a modified copy I've been changing myself), but wasn't sure if this was a skin-specific question, or if this applies to all skins. I just know it's Estuary's home skin that I'm trying to change, so if this isn't the correct location, could a mod please move it to the correct forum? Thank you.
