
#EXTM3U #EXTINF:-1,GAORA rtsp:// #EXTINF:-1,Green Channel rtsp:// #EXTINF:-1,GOLF NETWORK rtsp:// #EXTINF:-1,TW:台視 rtmp:// #EXTINF:-1,TW:中視 rtmp:// #EXTINF:-1,TW:華視 rtmp:// #EXTINF:-1,TW:民視 rtmp:// #EXTINF:-1,TW:台艺1 #EXTINF:-1,TW:台艺2 #EXTINF:-1,TW:华藏

Script controlled Screenshots (Zattoo)

Hello, I want to run Kodi on a raspberry and control it using a script. It will have to make live-TV screenshots from time to time and (maybe) switch channels. The built in functions seem to be an approach, but how are they used? List_of_built-in_fu...

Need Help Installing

I went through the install, got to choose the skin, then it went into building menu and stalled. I backed out of it. Now what do I do? Nothing is there but a black screen when I click on Kodi

Problems to run Kodi 17

Hello, Linux: Ubuntu 16.04 On "Ubuntu Software Installer" i have only Kodi v15.2 and if i try to install Kodi 17 over "ppa:team-xbmc/ppa" i get a segfault error and kodi doesn't start. Wie Kodi is not updated on Ubuntu Software Installer and how can...

Upgraded Kodi from 16.x to 17.3, now no audio from MP

Hi all, I've been using Kodi and MediaPortal for years with no issues. I just upgraded from 16.x to 17.3, re-enabled the MP addon, and live TV now has no audio! I get audio fine from other sources (Movies, etc)...even DTS. I also fired up the MP ap...