Voice Control for Kodi or Add ons

Does Alexa work with Kodi or any of the add-ons? The reason I ask is that we got a Fire Tv Stick for my son who has Cerebral Palsy. He does not have good muscle control and dexterity so I was hoping that he could use Kogi on the Fire Stick with the Al...

IPTV Arabic Server M3u Channels Playlist 24-06-2017

#EXTVLCOPT:http-user-agent=sammaadsdsss#EXTINF:-1,Bck: Bein Movies 2 HDhttp://live1.livetvindia.co.in:8000/live/333sdfs3d3fsfd333/sdf23sdr5sdf6r3dds/352.ts#EXTVLCOPT:http-user-agent=sammaadsdsss#EXTINF:-1,Bck: Bein Movies 3 HDhttp://live1.livetvindia.c...

No PVR Client listed in the add on browser.

Hi, I'm trying to set up PVR IPTV simple client in Kodi 17.3 running on Linux Mint 17.3. I have no pvr clients listed in the add on browser. From what I've been able to learn by reading, they don't install when you install in Linux. Can someone help wi...

Loading Kodi on Mac Sierra

Can someone help? I had kodi but did the latest upgrade on mac to OS Sierra 10.12.5. I no longer have the option of clicking "anywhere" in security & privacy for incoming apps, the Kodi Krypton download always says file is damaged and must be throw...

[split] Kodi 17.3 in 64 Bit not 32 Bit

Can someone help? I had kodi but did the latest upgrade on mac to OS Sierra 10.12.5. I no longer have the option of clicking "anywhere" in security & privacy for incoming apps, the Kodi Krypton download always says file is damaged and must be throw...

Daily m3u playlist 24 June 2017 (New)
