Can’t FF or RWD Live TV

Hello, I am able to pause, but not fast forward or rewind, Live TV. This occurs in Kodi on Windows 7, or on any one of my three Fire TV 2s (I also get the same results using SPMC and MrMC on the Fire TV, as well). Here's the log:

Unable to Launch Kodi

I have been unable to successfully upgrade to 17. I have tried several releases now with no results. Kodi application fails to launch. I have tried deleting the Addons27.db file; this also didn't work. I would appreciate any help you can give. log ...

Kodi 17.3 Freezez/crashes on startup.

Hello, I installed Kodi earlier this week and was checking it out, everything was working fine, yesterday I opened it up and it froze instantly on the home screen, if I click on anything it crashes and I get the "not responding" dialog, if I don't clic...

New to KODI

I am new to KODI and I have two questions. 1.Should I run an IP bouncer on my PC when using KODI? I don't want to run into issues with my ISP, I know technically this is all on the 'fringe' Correct me here if I am wrong, please. 2. When an upcoming e...

100 User Cccam Free 20.06.2017

Host : Port : 2000 User + Pass Up-4ever CLICK HERE The post 100 User Cccam Free 20.06.2017 appeared first on HackSat Team.