Audio scraper down?
Hello everyone,
Sorry if my English is bad (I'm French).
I use KODI 17.3 installed on my nas qnap and I have a for a few days a problem only with the music scraper (audiodb and universal album / artist) while usually everything works correctly.
I wanted to scrape a new repertory but no artist or album is recognized (although it is about artists that one finds on audiodb). I did tests with audiodb and universal album / artist scraper and here are my results. When I select my source and I click on add the files to the multimedia library:
- With the universal scraper: a search without result is done only by universal album scraper and without parallel search with universal artist scraper
- With audiodb scraper: the directory is loaded very quickly without analysis (scan only). The result is the same, no artist or album is recognized.
After tests I managed to recover the fanarts and biography of the artists only with audiodb by doing a search on all the artists via the contextual menu. For albums, nothing at all. With universal scraper no info found.
I despair a little. I have no idea of the origin of this problem: with the videos everything works without problem. So:
- Do you know if there is currently a problem with audio craps or is it coming from my home?
- Is my problem related to the inability to connect to
- Can this come from a problem accessing databases or port?
Thank you in advance for your help!