PVR Manager Frozen

NEWBIE:- Using latest version of Kodi and Mediaportal and cant get Kodi's PVR Manager to update. - just freezes when I open Kodi & go to either Channels or EPG. I'm on a Windows 10 x64 machine. Correct Add-on enabled and Media-Portal working gre...

Зеленая точка . Россия, Владивосток

#EXTM3U #EXTINF:0,Viasat Nature #EXTINF:0,Animal Planet HD #EXTINF:0,Spike #EXTINF:0,Бокс ТВБокс_ТВ #EXTINF:0,ЕврокиноЕврокино #EXTINF:0,Кухня ТВКухня_ТВ #EXTINF:0,СТС #EXTINF:0,ТРОТРО #EXTINF:0,Матч ТВ HDМатч_ТВ_HD #EXTINF:0,Glazella TV HD #EXTINF:0,КинокомедияКинокомедия #EXTINF:0,Bridge classic #EXTINF:0,Amedia 1 HD #EXTINF:0,МалышМалыш #EXTINF:0,9 ВолнаВолна #EXTINF:0,Cinema #EXTINF:0,КинохитКинохит #EXTINF:0,Eurosport 1 HD #EXTINF:0,КиномиксКиномикс #EXTINF:0,MTV… Read More »

Aeon Nox 5 Main Menu Question

Hello. Im not new to Kodi itself, but I'm new to customizing it. What i have is a Super Favorites Folder with all my favorite TV Shows in it. What I WANT to do is put it in the Main menu bar so i can scroll and select them there by thumb nail, just lik...

Jerky Picture

Have recently downloaded v17.1 The picture quality is good but after a few seconds starts to go 'jerky' Moving the cursor stops the jerkiness but as soon as you stop moving the mouse it starts again Sound is unaffected./ Any suggestions ? My internet d...

Kodi for 64bit won’t install

I dl'd Kodi for the 64bit windows 7, and got message about a missing dll. Screenshot is here, I hope. (Not too good at this kind of stuff.) Well...can't figure out how to paste the screenshot, but the message is that VCRUNTIME140.dll is missing, an...

Daily m3u playlist 19 June 2017 (New)


NFS connection issue

I have the following issue: My media files are on the FreeNAS server shared by NFS. The server allows non-privileged connections and I used to connect it to my old phone; Kodi used to be on version 16 when I installed it. I upgraded my phone to Samsung...

Kodi 17.3 crashes playing videos

Hello, I installed Kodi 17.3 on Windows 10 64bit (fresh installation) but I'm not able to play any video, Kodi is crashing every time on the video startup. I posted the last debug file: https://pastebin.com/bQ6emqxu Any help would be appreciated. Tha...

No audio playback in Youtube downloaded video files

Just installed Kodi 18 (June 17th build), but that was the first one I installed on my Windows 10 NUC PC, so I can not say if an older build worked. Everything plays brilliantly, except for any Youtube downloaded files (which I use JDownloader2 to down...

Kodi icons gone.

I accidentally cleared my data on Kodi. When I click on the Kodi app, I get a screen with lists and message that library is currently gone, and "enter an add-on browser". Have no idea how to restore this huge "whoops". Please help.