How Much Did Estuary Change For 18/Leia?

updated to 18/leila then replaced the skin.estuary folder with the older skin.estuary folder i used with 17.3 in order to keep all of the custom edits/mods i made, everything seemed to go fine, all of the edits/mods are fine and working, as is 18/leila as far as i can tell, but the log file complains about estuary incompatibility as follows:

08:46:57.892 T:28332  NOTICE: ADDON: skin.estuary version 1.9.10 is incompatible
08:46:57.892 T:28332 WARNING: ADDON: failed to unset skin.estuary
08:46:57.894 T:29828  NOTICE:   load skin from: D:\Media\Kodi\addons\skin.estuary (version: 1.9.10)

so i edited the estuary addon.xml file to reflect the new estuary version and gui and now the log file no longer mentions the incompatibility or failure to "unset".

<addon id="skin.estuary" version="2.0.1" name="Estuary" provider-name="phil65, Ichabod Fletchman">
<import addon="xbmc.gui" version="5.13.0"/>

so am i missing out on new estuary 2.0.1 features because i'm using an older estuary version? should i have instead left the updated estuary version alone and created an estuary addon in the appdata folder?

Daily m3u playlist 18 June 2017 (New)

Milkdrop 2 visualization Kodi v18 64bit

Is this available anywhere? I just tried the new 64 beta version and for me even though in beta it is a vast improvement on my system. but missing my favorite visualization. Any news?:

Arctic: Zephyr Plus Views from AEL

Hello company,

I use Artic Zephyr + for the great views that have been added, I have set AEL to run all my Steam games without worries.

The only problem is that I do not use a scraper, neither for metadata nor for assets.

And the banners, and other posters, are cropping up on the edges. I can't find the exact dimensions my images have to make so that they are not clipped.

I found on : AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\1080i, the file View_53_Poster.XML.

On this file that I do not understand, I would like to know the values ​​that define the dimensions of the posters for example.

Otherwise how to set a standard size for my posters and my banners, logos ......

Thanks for the reply

"The one who moves the mountain is the one who begins to remove the small stones."


Channel number font issue…

It seems that the channel number used in Estuary live tv screen is too large when the number is bigger than 3 digits. In the screenshot below - the channel number is 39.20 - but it is cutoff. If the decision is to keep the larger fonts - can the si...

Version Check

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strange DVD problem

(crossposted in Libreelec-forum, I don't know where the problem is, in Kodi or Libreelec)


I have a problem playing some DVDs (all from Ken Burns Civil-War-documentary; maybe others too, I have too much to test them all).

My System:
Raspberry 3, Libreelec 8.0.2, Kodi 17 (Krypton), external DVD-Player (LiteOn)

The problem:
When I push the ‘Disc’-Button, nothing happens (no DVD-menu, no movie), instead the GUI freezes. The only solution is to unplug the player, then the GUI is working again, except the ‘Disc’-Button, that is gone.

This is from kodi.log after unplugging the DVD-player:

16:01:56.806 T:1962167248 NOTICE: UDev: Changed / Added /var/media/CIVIL_WAR_DVD1
16:02:00.404 T:1962167248 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
16:02:00.404 T:1962167248 WARNING: dll_ioctl - 21394 request failed with error [5] Input/output error
16:02:00.407 T:1962167248 WARNING: Previous line repeats 1 times.
16:02:00.407 T:1962167248 WARNING: dll_ioctl - 21394 request failed with error [22] Invalid argument
15:46:03.909 T:1962167248 WARNING: msvcrt.dll: dll_lseeki64 called, TODO: add 'int64 -> long' type ch
15:46:03.974 T:1962167248 NOTICE: VideoPlayer: Opening: /var/media/CIVIL_WAR_DVD1/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.
15:46:03.974 T:1962167248 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
15:46:03.974 T:1874850720 NOTICE: Creating InputStream
15:46:03.976 T:1874850720 ERROR: Error on dvdnav_open
15:46:03.977 T:1874850720 ERROR: CVideoPlayer::OpenInputStream - error opening [/var/media/CIVIL_WA
15:46:03.977 T:1874850720 NOTICE: CVideoPlayer::OnExit()
15:46:03.977 T:1962167248 ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 0, path [/var/media/CIV
15:46:03.989 T:1962167248 NOTICE: CVideoPlayer::CloseFile()
15:46:03.990 T:1962167248 NOTICE: VideoPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
15:46:03.990 T:1962167248 NOTICE: VideoPlayer: finished waiting
15:46:03.990 T:1962167248 NOTICE: CVideoPlayer::CloseFile()
15:46:03.990 T:1962167248 NOTICE: VideoPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
15:46:03.990 T:1962167248 NOTICE: VideoPlayer: finished waiting

And I just found out that It is possible to start the DVD-menu from the file-manager.

These DVDs are playing well on all my other devices (Standalone DVD-player, XBOX, Linux-Notebook). I can plug-in the LiteOn external DVD-player into my notebook, and can play the movie with Kafeine or Mplayer.

I have other problems with DVDs too, some will only start after a reboot with the DVD in the player or after some attempts to start them; sometimes the movie stops somewhere in the middle, but I don’t now, if these problems are related. All DVDs are clean and working on my other systems.

Its very frustrating, everything else is working fine and I really like the whole thing very much.

popcornmix repo empty on Kodi firestick?

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Github x64 builds

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No ‘Install from Repository’ option

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Show embedded thumbnail?

I've got video files with embedded thumbnails, but the thumbnails aren't showing up. Any ideas how I can get this to work?

ALBANIAN IPTV Channels 17/06/2017

#EXTINF:-1,3 Plus #EXTINF:-1,ABC News #EXTINF:-1,Bang Bang #EXTINF:-1,BBF #EXTINF:-1,Club TV #EXTINF:-1,Cufo TV #EXTINF:-1,Digi Gold #EXTINF:-1,Elrodi TV #EXTINF:-1,Era TV #EXTINF:-1,Explorer History #EXTINF:-1,Explorer Natyra #EXTINF:-1,Explorer Shkence #EXTINF:-1,Film Autor #EXTINF:-1,Film Drame #EXTINF:-1,Film Dy #EXTINF:-1,Film Hits #EXTINF:-1,Film Komedi #EXTINF:-1,Film Thriller #EXTINF:-1,Folk… Read More »

Regional language for a secondary user (not master)

I am using Kodi 17.3. For a master user I installed KODI with a proper buid for children. The language I am using for interface is Hebrew. I have defined an additional user, for which I intend to include contents for adults only. The problem is that I...