create a dialog box at startup

hi , i am running kodi 17.3 krypton on raspberry pi 3. my question is OS independent. i want a dialog box to appear on startup that tells the IP my device got. i have a general idea. sometime back , i did write a py script that displayed a fixed text ...

17.3 Crash after welcome screen

Removed old Kodi 17.1 install and re-installed 17.3 clean due to crashing. After i open it up it loads the krypton welcome screen then shows the menus and then crashes/freezes. Attached is the log file. Any ideas to g...

Missing gateway

Plain and simple, when I go to "System info" in Kodi17 and go down to "network", the "gateway" portion on the right is blank. Everything else is normal, that's the only thing missing. Anyone?

Which Media Player to purchase for my needs?

Sorry for the extremely vague question that I'm sure has been asked before... I have only ever used AppleTVs, but I would love to find a media center that can: 1) Run Kodi 2) Play local files from an attached external hard drive 3) Play netflix/hbo g...

CBS Video Add-on

Can anyone tell me if being in Canada means I am unable to watch most of what is on the CBS add-on? I can watch the 60Minutes, but the rest just says to check the error log. There is nothing there, so I am at a loss as to why I cannot watch the other t...

BISS FIFA Confederations Cup Russia 2017 16/06/2017

Id: Encoder 1 16.0°E – 12625 H 4600 [4:2:0] 2/3 DVB-S2 8PSK Id: Encoder 2 16.0°E – 12625 H 4600 [4:2:0] 2/3 DVB-S2 8PSK Id: MOSCOW E-399 16.0°E – 12643 […] The post BISS FIFA Confederations Cup Russia 2017 16/06/2017 appeared first on HackSat Team.

BISS MBC MASR 21.6°E 16.06.2017

MBC Feed (ex MBC MASR) 21.6°E – 11591 V 2856 7/8 – DVB-S/QPSK ID: MBC Feed SID:0001 VPID:0064 (100-dec) CW: FA BD 16 CD 06 17 BC D9 The post BISS MBC MASR 21.6°E 16.06.2017 appeared first on HackSat Team.